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  1. D

    Permission errors

    They have been a lot of permission problems with this site... I am now getting this error: Unknown: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/tmp) in Unknown on line 0 Can you help? Maybe you can restore the default...
  2. D

    I really don't know what to do

    I can't upload and now this charity I'm doing the site for is up in arms...
  3. D

    Now I can't upload from website

    Sorry, there has been an error. Failed to write file to disk. I think the temp directory on the server needs the correct privelages... Come on!
  4. D

    still reports disk full

  5. D

    all content now gone

    where has the content gone and also I can't access the cpanel :(
  6. D

    disk full

    Same as before. I have not done anything advanced. Only uploading of files but the ftp server reports disk full
  7. D

    disk full

    my account dactrust when ftping gives an error 552 disk full.... I haven't uploaded anything as yet please advise thanks