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  1. N


    There is a bug in account panel. It still shows threads from old Level Two Support although those threads are closed. Example:
  2. N

    Chopin CPanel issues

    If I go to the login page is new and I can't login, When I use my domain to access CPanel I get the same login page as before migration and it lets me in, but there are lots of errors in CPanel and I think this is still the old server. One more question...
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    Broken MySQL databases

    I found 2 months old backup on my PC and will restore it. Thanks for your help anyway.
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    Broken MySQL databases

    1. chopin 2. They were created using cPanel's ''Create New Database''. 3. They look like tables but under Records/Type/Collation/Size/Overhead I see ''in use'' 4. I didn't look at my page recently but I saw information about new MySQL servers and it didn't work since then.
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    Broken MySQL databases

    I'm getting errors like this: #1033 - Incorrect information in file: './ntadej_main/phpns_comments.frm' I think migration to new mysql servers is the problem.
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    Broken MySQL databases

    All my mysql databases are broken. Is there a way to restore them, because I don't have any recent backup.
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    Intermediate PHP

    I get the same error. Will upgrading to Advanced PHP help?
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    Intermediate PHP

    No, is there any other way? Does PHP level 3 support that?
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    Intermediate PHP

    I'm using Intermediate PHP where fopen is allowed. But today it's not working. I get: Warning: fopen() [function.fopen]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configurationWhat's the problem?