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  1. S

    Absolut Down

    Hello All, Is it just me or everyone is facing issues with Absolut server? I can't get to the FTP, CPanel and the Website 90% of the time today. Only 1 request of around 10 is successful!! When I tried to access the CPanel, I got this error: What is wrong here?
  2. S

    Mod Rewriting (URL Rewriting)

    Hello Admins, Kindly advise if the mod_rewrite is enabled on the servers or not. I've written some code that depends on URL Rewriting. This is why I'm asking, as now I'm unable to use the website normally.
  3. S

    .htaccess password protection not working ..

    Hello, Since the server move, I can't use the .htaccess to password-protect .. Here is my .htaccess file AuthName "Message to the user" AuthType Basic require valid-user AuthUserFile "/home/{USERNAME}/.htpasswds/public_html/passwd" Options -Indexes Kindly assist and advise what is wrong.