Search results

  1. marshian

    Centering image within an iframe

    Have you tried setting display: block and the auto margins? :)
  2. marshian

    Force Image Caching

    You're right, as far as I can find in , there is no way to actually force the client to cache anything. Caching is only ever allowed or prohibited, never required. It could very well be browser-specific that your browser always reloads all...
  3. marshian

    MySQL Server for mysql_connect()

    You can include the :3306 (making it localhost:3306), but you don't have to since 3306 is the standard port. If the server would - for example - run on the non-standard port 54032 you'd have to use localhost:54032. But standards make life easier, so why not stick to them? ;)
  4. marshian

    how to compile in visual studio 2010

    Let me just use this image as example: In the second bar from the top you see a green arrow. If you press that, your project be compiled and started with the option specified in the drop-down box...
  5. marshian

    Discover nodes on a network

    Thanks for your response, especially the Gnutella part would be interesting. My program would treat all peers equal, so there wouldn't be peer subgroups. I don't have the time to look into it at the moment, but I'll certainly do so when I can find the time (:
  6. marshian

    Discover nodes on a network

    I'm writing an application for which it would be very useful to discover nodes, but without being centralised. Basically, when my application starts it should inform other computers running my program that there is a new node with the given IP. The first thing I thought of were broadcasts, but...
  7. marshian

    Clearing Dom Object

    That's pretty much what my idea was as well, yet implemented in a different method. Nice find, it sounds lik a good implementation. Just a small remark, you're basically about to go multi-threaded now. You'll want to lock your resources. Basically, at the beginning of your processing page add a...
  8. marshian

    Clearing Dom Object

    What you should do is create a list of all pages you have to index. Eg. 1. Download page 1 2. Search & process(*) url's 3. Search & process images 4. Download the next page and continue with 2 (*) = add the url to the list of url's to process. About the memory usage, see curl_close. That...
  9. marshian

    phpinfo Test File

    Just put the php code in a certain html element, and use Javascript to check client-side what the contents of this element are. If the contents is the code, there is no php. You can then use Javascript to display that. Quick and dirty not-tested example: <html> <head> <script...
  10. marshian

    Why are other programming languages used when all I need is HTML please?

    If you say "programming language", I think of languages like C++, C, Java, etc. Their (primary) purpose isn't to be used in websites. They're used to create stand-alone applications that run outside of a browser, like Photoshop or OpenOffice.
  11. marshian

    PHP resource error #6

    I suppose you mean one of these? $msg[':subject'] = isset($_REQUEST['subject']) ? trim($_REQUEST['subject']) : ''; That's the ternary operator. If you would have something like this $var = expression ? value1 : value2; $var will contain value1 when expression is true and value2 when expression...
  12. marshian

    The details of the problem..

    If you know nothing of PHP it might be a little annoying and quite some effort, but it's certainly possible to rewrite the script so that it no longer requires register_globals.
  13. marshian

    Images won't show up after name change

    That's what I meant, if Apache was internally case insensitive it's impossible to expect case sensitive behaviour.
  14. marshian

    $_SESSION Problem state not changing

    There's still some sort of header in the file. It's a 3 byte code: EF BB BF, but I don't know what causes it. There must be some option in Dreamweaver... (I don't have it, nor do I have any experience with it, sorry.) What encoding are you saving the file as? Have you tried UTF-8 or ASCII...
  15. marshian

    The details of the problem..

    Please see this: Register globals is highly discouraged, obsolete and insecure. It'd be better to rewrite your autoresponder script to work without register globals.
  16. marshian

    Redirecting after a name change

    Isn't it possible to regain your old domain ( and use it as a secondary domain? You could then just change the document root for that domain and display a "This site has moved"-page. Include a link to the new site and search engines should follow it. Other than...
  17. marshian

    Images won't show up after name change

    I just want to clarify something. Windows is case-insensitive when it comes to files. The file "abc.def" is the same as "ABC.DEF". This is part of the filesystem Windows uses. However, *nix uses different filesystems. Most of them are case-sensitive. The file "abc" is NOT the same file as "Abc"...
  18. marshian

    header files not being included in c++ compiler

    Compilers are never really small (in this modern time), because of all the required files. To be able to compile a program you need the referred header files, builds of every linked executable, program libraries, ... However, you are right. MSVC++ contains a lot more than just a compiler. But...
  19. marshian

    http headers cache control

    It's possible to add headers with other methods, but using .htaccess files is certainly a good method. You can have one .htaccess file per directory, which is logical, since two files with the same name aren't allowed. They contain instructions/settings for Apache, just like httpd.conf, but on a...
  20. marshian

    Custom HTML Tags, Good Idea?

    Try running them through the W3C validator, it'll fail. No browser is required to "support" them, as far as the HTML standards are concerned, they don't exist. If everyone would be allowed to declare their own tags as they wish, browsers will soon start supporting them out of the box. Perhaps...