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  1. DonkeyTvShow

    Acount Suspended?!?!?

    I honest to god have no idea why im shut down... anyone?
  2. DonkeyTvShow

    Ads in forums

    yes? no? if yes, how, i cant figure it out for the life of me :blink: srry if its a stoopid question, mabey i just dont see how to...
  3. DonkeyTvShow

    Aount Suspended Ads were at the top, i was being good...what happend? :blink:
  4. DonkeyTvShow


    Ok, a while back, (current) was located at Im running a video site with homegrown clips like jackass, and older video footers had the ol' URL. The other day i found a whole bunch of the old stuff circulating around, with the Donkey URL...
  5. DonkeyTvShow

    Restore Issues

    Hey all, , just so you know.... Ok, this is the second time this has happenned, I logged on to look at the site, and it's been reverted to the way it was a couple weeks ago, this also happenned on the weekend, not sure but i think they were both near downtimes...
  6. DonkeyTvShow

    Ad issues,

    Ummmm idont even know, the x10 advanced ads are coded onto my site, but they dont show up every time, i have no idea what's going on with this, and thought i would mention it, so you dont take my account away or anything, because i know i coded themz right...
  7. DonkeyTvShow

    Help, its a fweakin mess!

    :homestar: Changed site from to a couple hours ago. Corn is saying that therz no FTP There when i type it in, and acts like the site dsnt exist when i try to visit it, Plz help :-(