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  1. T

    Disk quota exceeded

    Hi bdistler. This is a great idea. Thank you all for your help. I deleted some files and all works good
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    Disk quota exceeded

    My server xo1 cPanel write unlimited disk space Disk Space Usage 2.44 GB / ∞ I use the x10hosting for many years, and still had no problems with disk space. I did not write new files, and suddenly got this error. Many different errors, including access to phpmyadmin from cPanel ---- Hi Dead-i...
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    Disk quota exceeded

    I cannot write any files via FPT and cPanel File Manager. error - Disk quota exceeded. Also I cannot enter into phpMyAdmin Error: Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly. Also ensure that...
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    Switching from basic to cPanel v3

    I can't switch to cPanel too please switch mine to cpanel 3 thank you name: tancop
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    Disk Space Policy Change

    I have exactly same situation. My open support request now is closed after a week of expectation. :frown: Info from cPanel 971.2 / 1024 Mb Now I do not know whether to open a new support request? :confused:
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    New Disk Space Limit

    Disk Space Policy Change Unmetered Requirements - Account must be one week old - 3 years - You must be using at least 500MB of your storage space - 2729 Mb - You must have a working website online that falls inline with our terms of service - (cannot work - no free...
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    New Disk Space Limit

    Now the website cannot be loaded because of a lack of free space
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    New Disk Space Limit

    With a new policy of disk space I have limit 1024 Mb. Now the website uses 2729 Mb disk spaces. Basically it is photographic materials of military technology from various museums of the world. Whether the increase in a limit of disk space to 3072 Mb is possible? Hosting Username: tancop...
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    account suspended

    my web site has been suspended (high cpu usage). Automatic unsuspension doesn't work >action status - Process wait how can i unsuspended my account?