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  1. shi_amai

    Stoli down?

    Well, as you can see by my website: There's a message that says that cpanel has been installed, and that message won't go away, even though I've editted and re-editted my index to see if it would go away. And also...
  2. shi_amai

    Ads on website

    Okay, so, having the corporate package, I need the ad for it. Okay, I have that, and I paste it in my index, but it doesn't show up. What's doing on?
  3. shi_amai

    Installation Issue

    Hi, I'm trying to install SMF, but everytime I try to I get this: The installer was unable to access the "smf" database. With some hosts, you have to create the database in your administration panel before SMF can use it. Some also add prefixes - like your username - to your database names...
  4. shi_amai

    Login Failed

    I would like to know if the server is down, or something? Because I keep trying to loing in. I copy and paste AND just type the username and password sent from my e-mail, and everytime I click okay the login keeps popping up. So I click cancel, but when I do that it tells me "login attempt...