Search results

  1. E

    parked domain 'already configured'

    i searched for this topic and found the link below with the exact same problem as mine... i have the address and all is working fine. i also own and have the...
  2. E

    "extraordinarly large spam score of 14.6"!?!

    having finally got all of the settings right for my email account in windows mail, sending and recieving with imap now works fine. however, i have a "signiture" on my emails which involves an image (a king of company logo) and then three lines of text (thankyou, my name and my addresses)...
  3. E

    imap issues on windows mail... cannot send email

    enever cossacks ad free i have been trying to configure my windows mail (vista) to imap with my email address using the manual settings (as the auto didnt work) was slightly confusing as it doesnt obviously state what to type into the slected areas...
  4. E

    wierd email address

    just a quick question regarding email address. i have my own domain set up... and in trying to set up my desired email address ( due to the way the system works when choosing the address, the only address i could come out with is "...
  5. E

    cannot login to cpanel and php pending for over 3 days

    i cannot login to my control panel, i have changed my password and it still does not let me log in. i have also had a php upgrade pending for about 4 days now and have not recieved any support in the "upgrade" forum, so would be grateful for some help here. EDIT it says that i am on...