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  1. T

    Anyway to allow all remote access hosts to DB?

    Because each time I restart my computer I have to enter a new IP address to connect through mysql. Thanks!:nuts: Edit: BTW, security is not an issue right now, so if there's an insecure way please tell!
  2. T

    Make $100 Per Week!

    Ignore this guy, it's obviously a scam.
  3. T

    Hello x10 people

    welcome aboard, the community is generally warm.
  4. T

    Ideas for format The layout right now is barf-worthy right now. What kinda layout and colour scheme are people thinking?
  5. T

    PHP script within Html or htm

    Is there a way to edit apache's settings to allow this? Currently I'm transferring my entire local site over here, and in the httpd.conf file "AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .htm .html", if not, then I'll still be able to get the site to run by changing the extension to .php, though there...
  6. T


    I'm a noob 16 year old programmer targeting education and x10hosting seems like the perfect solution for my open source projects. Thanks!