Search results

  1. M

    Please review my Cub Scout site

    Hey, good to see a Scouting pack up and about on the internets (I was/am an Eagle Scout). As a site, it gets the job done, I suppose. The colour scheme is understandable (Cub Scout blue and gold), but hit counters are a bit dated, as are frames. Frames aren't a very good design choice in any...
  2. M

    Credits for review | the new sb

    Nice looking. You might want to have a version of the site that works without scripting though (I have small turn-off when it comes to sites I need to turn NoScript off in order to view.) There really isn't much here to talk about, so I won't try to drag it on too long.... Though I'll point...
  3. M

    What's the best 3D Animation Software?

    AutoCAD isn't really something for animation. Not in the entertainment way of animation, at least...
  4. M

    Your design philosophies?

    I'm curious. When you design your websites, what do you keep in mind? Website optimization? A minimalist ideal? As flashy as it can get? Or do you think about it at all? For my own site, I've tried to keep to two things: - Minimalism: Flash and javascript should be put to a minimum...
  5. M

    Review My Site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I've seen these pictures on eBay before... were you the one who posted the ebay listing on the forum, perhaps? Well, that doesn't matter so much. On to the review! Speaking of that picture, it doesn't quite line up with the site. Maybe center it, or resize it to fit the edges of the...
  6. M

    check out my sites

    Websites aren't loading for me. Sorry...
  7. M

    Review My Website

    Interesting looking site. Looks nice, though it's slightly disheartening to see that it's a skin off of a skin website. The splash page is cool, if unnecessary. The main things I have with the site is that the forum list is incredibly large. This won't do much more than dilute posting, and...
  8. M

    One of the better pages I've seen lately, actually. It's clean, and it takes the bare minimum number of clicks to get where you need to get. The only nitpick I have is that banner logo looks fuzzy, like it was resized to be larger. But it's perfect otherwise.
  9. M

    Forms have borked

    Any forms I've made using 'enctype="multipart/form-data"' do not work (I use this form to upload files to my site)... Every so often I get an error as such: Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please...
  10. M

    Project Wonderful

    Has anyone else around here worked with Project Wonderful Ads? If you have, you might have noticed that they don't validate as good HTML, and PW has a policy of deactivating ad units that have been tampered with. Is there a way to make a webpage with these ads validate as HTML 4.01 Strict...
  11. M


    Heya, I'm the maker/designer/cobbler/tailor of (down with the Cossack server as of this posting)! Nice to meet you all, I hope we can get to know each other well (though not well enough that you start hating me).