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  1. M

    500 Internal server error, also issue switching from basic to cpanel x3

    Yep, looks all good. Thanks heaps, I would never have found the SetEnv line without seeing the error log.
  2. M

    500 Internal server error, also issue switching from basic to cpanel x3

    I've got the same 500 I've seen in a couple of recent threads. I've been editing the .htaccess in public_html but I haven't been able to fix the problem. I've also been unable to switch my theme to cpanel x3, I get automatically logged out every time I make an attempt. Any help is much...
  3. M

    Almost all files are missing from public_http in file manager

    bump, website is still borked - missing files as before.
  4. M

    Almost all files are missing from public_http in file manager

    Main domain: public_http seems to only contain: an empty folder (which should contain virtually my whole website), 0 byte .httpaccess and a 4 byte .ftpquota. Also, all my redirects seem to be missing. MySQL DBs look to be intact. I suspect this would be from the recent...
  5. M

    account linking

    did everything, (yes i did choose the 'swap accounts' option) still the same error, but I have had a few thoughts on what is wrong... This may be a little confusing/hard to read so here is the short of it: End conclusion: When I change my 'forum' email, I am actually changing my 'hosting'...
  6. M

    account linking

    well I got to page to change my forum email this time, but (as I originally thought, but after the EC_MISMATCH I decided I must be wrong) it is already the same as my hosting account. I did try to link the acc.s again though, and got EC_MISMATCH again.
  7. M

    account linking

    ESCALATION NECESSARY - Please link my hosting and forum accounts. Forum account username:matcat9 Hosting account cPanel username:matcat9 when I try to link the accounts I get EC_MISMATCH, however I can't log on to account control panel - for some reason my forum username + password doesn't...
  8. M

    Forum and hosting accounts not linked

    I just got a hosting account a couple of days ago, but I havent been able to link it to this forum acc. Both accounts have the same username (matcat9)