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  1. M

    Delete my Closed Threads and Previous Posts?

    Yeah but the posts show up on Google search and give a very unprofessional look to my business due to my previous posts. If you could delete the closed threads or edit out any mention of my domain it would help a lot. Thanks.
  2. M

    Delete my Closed Threads and Previous Posts?

    I need my closed threads and previous posts deleted, because the site that I am using is no longer up, but the information that is private is still up and on Google cache. I give x10 full permission for this. Thanks a lot.
  3. M

    website down, cannot access new cPanel - need password reset?

    I have sent a ticket for over a week now and have not gotten a response. If what you say is true, please fix my cpanel account: moldajec and help me access my files from [...] once again. It's understandable that there is a large influx of tickets, however it seems as if you are just consoling...
  4. M

    X10 please fix my site

    I can't log in to cpanel!!! My username is moldajec and site is [...]!!! I'm starting to panic now, I have already lost too much time, this is absolutely unfair to keep people at bay like this! I NEED MY FILES THEY ARE VERY IMPORTANT AND HOLD SENSITIVE INFORMATION.
  5. M

    Support Ticket #24151 Unattended

    It says my "login is invalid" when I tried accessing through Is that what it said for you? If so, I might have to do that then. Which service did you sign up for, what was it called?
  6. M

    website down, cannot access new cPanel - need password reset?

    This is horrible, I think x10 has lost all our files and databases and are now just dodging us and not being straightforward with us about it. Most unprofessional thing I've seen in all my years, it's as if none of our work even held any value to them. This is absolutely preposterous, thanks for...
  7. M

    Support Ticket #24151 Unattended

    Yes I am having the same problem as msgx10mx. I can access the account portal, but not cpanel or my files or databases. I tried logging in through, but the message I received was "login invalid". My website is [...] and my login is moldajec. I also tried logging in...
  8. M

    Support Ticket #24151 Unattended

    Thanks, I'd do that, but I am not being able to log into cpanel or my account either. My pages won't load either.
  9. M

    Support Ticket #24151 Unattended

    I dropped in a support ticket quite a while back when your servers were down and still have not gotten a response; this is extremely unsettling and frustrating as I have worked a lot on my website for the past month and I would at the very least need my backup of the files and databases. This...
  10. M

    Website, account still down?

    This is ridiculous, X10 is EXTREMELY unprofessional. My support ticket is in limbo, my site was taken down without notice and now all my work for the past month has been lost! And to think I was considering paying for their hosting... I would like my website backup at the very least!!!
  11. M

    Website, account still down?

    I believe your status updates said everything was resolved, but my site [REMOVED AS REQUESTED] is still pinging and I am not being able to log into the cpanel or access any files at all. This was a very sudden migration since I didn't even get time to back anything up.