1. Where is upgrade contact information?
If J logged to x panel i have info "Please update your contact information"
2. Today I'm install www ( mambo cms ) - portal work 4 hours, and mysql autodelete, portal no work - where is problem?
3. I don't add new mysql database, i have only mysql "test" database, no acces to rename, delete this record - where is problem? I don't add new database, if I write new name new database and click "add dbase" I have ansver "Added the database test. Sorry, you have exceeded the maximum allowed databases."
info x panel: MySQL Databases0 / 0
1. Where is upgrade contact information?
If J logged to x panel i have info "Please update your contact information"
2. Today I'm install www ( mambo cms ) - portal work 4 hours, and mysql autodelete, portal no work - where is problem?
3. I don't add new mysql database, i have only mysql "test" database, no acces to rename, delete this record - where is problem? I don't add new database, if I write new name new database and click "add dbase" I have ansver "Added the database test. Sorry, you have exceeded the maximum allowed databases."
info x panel: MySQL Databases0 / 0