404 error on subdomains.... redirecting to searchvity site

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My custom domain subdomains are coming up with 404 errors and redirecting to http://www.searchvity.com/Pantychrist.net all of a sudden. My main custom site addy www.pantychrist.net is fine but the subdomains like www.pantychrist.net/epk are redirected. I had added Options +Indexes to the .htaccess file after migration as the subdomain pages weren't showing and that fixed that problem. Could this redirect be part of the migration bugs or a possible permission issue and potential hack?

update: Discovered public_html permission was set to 777 as well as a folder titled private_html in my domains>x10hostedaccount>private_html folder. Tried changing permissions to 755 for those and it says changed successfully but when I went back they are still 777 (tried again and refreshed with same result). Looks like there has been activity in one of the folders (that had a 755 permission) with a modified index file and a modified jpg from the 19th that I did not do. Reupped the jpg but the index html appears the same. The .htaccess file was also modified on the 18th but nothing appears changed, still just the Options +Indexes line I added. Should I delete and reupload all folders and files? Or may there be hidden code amongst the other folders in the file manager that redirects the custom url subdomains ? And is the public_html supposed to be 777 on directadmin? Thoughts?
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do you have a folder/file called /epk ?
if not that would cause the 404 error.

also i never used the Options +Indexes option,
so cant tell you anything there.
i might be wrong, but i dont see it being related to migration.


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do you have a folder/file called /epk ?
if not that would cause the 404 error.

also i never used the Options +Indexes option,
so cant tell you anything there.
i might be wrong, but i dont see it being related to migration.

EPK is a subdomain on my site with an index file. I have a couple. Perfectly normal and they worked with the custom domain before and after migration (once I added the Options +Indexes code and fixed the folder permissions to be viewable), and now something has sent everything sideways. This issue has already come up in these forums about the empty or missing .htaccess folders and restrictive permissions for subdomains after migration and how to address and fix it. As for being related to migration.... if permissions are being default set for Public Write on some accounts, that opens up potential headaches. There are already issues from server to server and bugs and issues are getting worked out on the fly.


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folders should be 755 and files 644 (thats how they are on mine)
when i go to my file manager (in directadmin) i dont see domains.
i am 1 level up from the normal public_html as normal.
public_html is set to 777 so i believe that is normal.
subdomains should show inside your public_html as a folder.
all files/folders inside public_html should have adjustable chmod's.

the public_html (site root) should have 1 .htaccess file set at 644.
and should have a index.html or index.php file (also set at 644)
the index page names may vary but also have to be done in htaccess
using DirectoryIndex index.php (changing index.php to the file name)
since apache defaults to reading index.html or index.php

if you use subdomains the structure should be similar to
your original websites public_html with the exception of the URL
like if i try http://epk.Pantychrist.net i get your http://www.pantychrist.net/
or at least the content is identical. if thats normal then its ok.
if its not then something in the subdomain is wrong.
subdomains generally open like http://subfolder.yourdomain.net or
as http://www.yourdomain.net/subfolder/ ive never seen any set with
http://www.yourdomain.net/subfolder (missing the slash)
ive heard of a few doing that before but its not normal practice.
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