First, you need the Netgear MA111 v1 (!!!) drivers.
Necesita el interprete de Netgear MA111 v1.
Download them at in the 2.5Beta-zip, it's a couple of files.
Puede bajar los archivos de en el 2.5beta-zip. Es unos dos archivos.
you need the four NETMA111.INF-files, and the MA111nd5.sys-files.
Necesita los cuatros archivos de METMA111.inf y MA111nd5.sys
i used winzip to zip them over to an USB-jumpdrive, and i got them in folders called /Drivers/Win98, /Drivers/WinNT, /Drivers/Win2000, /Drivers/WinXP.
Usar winzip para ponerlos en un USB, en carpetas de Drivers/Win98...
Unpack them to your home folder. Let them stay in /Drivers/WinVERSION, but rename the root-folder of the files to something easy.
Ponerlos en la carpeta de home (hogar?)
Then install ndiswrapper.
sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils
Instala ndiswrapper
sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils
When that's done, type sudo -s
escribir sudo -s
ndiswrapper -i /folder/with/netgear/ma111/Drivers/Win98/NETMA111. INF
Install the Windows98-drivers. You can also try with the XP, but it worked for me with 98. (I didn't try the others)
escribir ndiswrapper -i /carpeta/con/netgear/ma11/interpretes/Win98/NETMA111.INF. Puede tratar el XP, pero el 98 funciona.
ndiswrapper -l
Then you should see somthing like this:
root@westbeach:~# ndiswrapper -l
installed ndis drivers
NETMA111.INF driver present, hardware present
ndiswrapper -l
Va a ver:
root@westbeach:~# ndiswrapper -l
installed ndis drivers
NETMA111.INF driver present, hardware present
(i don't have the box accessible right now, so i'm not 110% sure)
(No se 100 por ciento.)
If not, remove the NETMA111-driver, and try again with another Windows-version.
ndiswrapper -e NETMA111.INF
Si no, deleta el NETMA111-driver y tratar otra vez con otra version.
sudo ifdown wlan0
sudo ifup wlan0
sudo ifdown wlan0
sudo ifup wlan0
Reboot, and configure it the way you want to!
I like to use Gnome Network Tools.
Rerranca y configura como quiere. Uso Gnome Network Tools..