500 Errors, Page Temporarily Available, Suspension!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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This is getting ridiculous lately. Periodically, I keep getting errors telling me the page is temporarily available (yet I can get in via FTP and see that the server is up and running), then 500 errors. Sometimes it's EXTREMELY SLOW.

Today it was Page Temporarily Unavailable, then it was back, then it was a 500 error. I logged into the forums to see if there were any announcements. All I saw referred to 500 errors on Stoli, but I understand that I am on Chopin. Then I saw that my account was now suspended (AGAIN) for high resource usage. All I did today was make a few edits and those didn't even get saved because of the 500 error.

I've noticed that when I have gotten these high resource usage suspensions, it has to do with a WordPress plugin that is essential to my site. It is called DB Toolkit and enables me to create front-end interfaces to a library database (for my church's handbell music library). I didn't originally have any problems with it and have used it on this site (and other sites hosted at two other hosting providers) with no problems. It's only been within the past month or so that I have had these high resource usage suspensions.

Please fix this problem. I've noticed tons of other people posting 500 error problems in the forum. Whenever I try to reply to one and say I have the same problem, the forum tells me I don't have permission to post (even though I am logged in). What's up with that?


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Re: 500 Errors, Page Temporarily Available, Suspension!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chopin seems to be having problems with MySQL, though these haven't been causing internal server errors, so there's likely something else going on with your site. Start with the X10 Wiki article on internal server errors. The document is very much a work-in-progress, so please give any feedback you have, either here or on the doc's talk page.

My only guess about the cause of the HRU suspensions (which could be way off base) is that as time goes on, the free servers get more users. Server resources then need to be shared among more sites, and the OS has to spend more time managing those resources, causing longer script execution times, which can cause sites to hit their resource usage quotas. It's the last point of which I am the least sure, not being able to inspect the HRU monitoring internals. Another possibility is that whatever's been causing the MySQL problems has been slowly building and is also causing you HRU suspensions.

The MySQL problems have been intermittent, making the cause hard to diagnose. As a result, there's no way of knowing when it will be fixed. The admins are trying to determine what's going wrong, but it's going to take time.
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