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Ok, I am not gonna be rude or offensive, but I feel this would be a good thread to se what the community thinks.
I watched a video, and before you say it's a load of crap, hear me out.
I saw this video, loose change, and it shows the events of 9/11, over one hour and 20 minutes worth of events.
Then I saw another video by some other people, and it backed up the loose change video.
In short, the video proves that there were explosions in the Towers, meaning that there were bombs inside.
9/11 Sniffer dogs removed from the world trade centre. All sniffer dogs that is.
9/11 Guards earn time off for doing overtime the previous weeks. Half of the guards that is.
On September 11th, one of the Terrorists in a Boeing aircraft, did a turn, bringing his plane to face towards the Two Towers. The turn was recorded in the control tower of an airport, and EXPERTS have said, the angle the plane turned, plus the speed it was going at, and the rate it descended at, would have caused it to go into a speed stall. This means, that plane cannot have performed that turn and hit the trade towers.
Eye witnesses claim to have seen cargo planes, NOT passenger planes hit the Towers.
Boeing engines are made from a combination of steel, aliminium, and some other element. Combined, they have a melting point, of X (I can't remember the exact number stated) Jet fuel, from the passenger planes, has a maximum temperature, of 450 degrees below the temperature required to melt the engines.
No engines found at the trade centre. One Plane piece was recovered, and it was proved to have come from an aircraft, that should have been nowhere near the Towers, in fact there are only a handful of them left in service.
Military aircraft diverted away from the Towers.
More information can be found by watching the video loose change. http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=7866929448192753501&q=loose+change
The plane cannot have hit the pentagon. The shape of the hole, was too small for a plane to have hit, and there were no wings from the plane.
A white flash as the explosion occured proves that it was a missile, I forget the exact name, that hit the pentagon. It prooves a plane cannot have done that amount of damage.
Helicopters were seen flying around both the Towers, and the Pentagon earlier on 9/11. This is restricted airspace, and records show, no aircraft should have been there that day.
Several Whitehouse officialls due to fly on 9/11, were contacted by various members of office, and told NOT to fly on that day, they were not encouraged, they were told. Around 20 people were told this, all obeyed. How did anyone know that there would be a crisis that day?
Oh and by the way, did anyone else know that Osama Bin Laden was receiving medical care FROM THE USA, in the days leading up to 9/11, and on 9/11 itself?
Oh, and why did the FBI carry away half the evidence? If I am wrong, and this was a terrorism attack, why not prove it and show us the evidence???
Well, like I said, didn't mean to offend anyone, ain't done anything against the rules here, let me know your thoughts peeps.
Again, see for yourselves, and post video links for/against my theory here.
google video link for loose change.
I watched a video, and before you say it's a load of crap, hear me out.
I saw this video, loose change, and it shows the events of 9/11, over one hour and 20 minutes worth of events.
Then I saw another video by some other people, and it backed up the loose change video.
In short, the video proves that there were explosions in the Towers, meaning that there were bombs inside.
9/11 Sniffer dogs removed from the world trade centre. All sniffer dogs that is.
9/11 Guards earn time off for doing overtime the previous weeks. Half of the guards that is.
On September 11th, one of the Terrorists in a Boeing aircraft, did a turn, bringing his plane to face towards the Two Towers. The turn was recorded in the control tower of an airport, and EXPERTS have said, the angle the plane turned, plus the speed it was going at, and the rate it descended at, would have caused it to go into a speed stall. This means, that plane cannot have performed that turn and hit the trade towers.
Eye witnesses claim to have seen cargo planes, NOT passenger planes hit the Towers.
Boeing engines are made from a combination of steel, aliminium, and some other element. Combined, they have a melting point, of X (I can't remember the exact number stated) Jet fuel, from the passenger planes, has a maximum temperature, of 450 degrees below the temperature required to melt the engines.
No engines found at the trade centre. One Plane piece was recovered, and it was proved to have come from an aircraft, that should have been nowhere near the Towers, in fact there are only a handful of them left in service.
Military aircraft diverted away from the Towers.
More information can be found by watching the video loose change. http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=7866929448192753501&q=loose+change
The plane cannot have hit the pentagon. The shape of the hole, was too small for a plane to have hit, and there were no wings from the plane.
A white flash as the explosion occured proves that it was a missile, I forget the exact name, that hit the pentagon. It prooves a plane cannot have done that amount of damage.
Helicopters were seen flying around both the Towers, and the Pentagon earlier on 9/11. This is restricted airspace, and records show, no aircraft should have been there that day.
Several Whitehouse officialls due to fly on 9/11, were contacted by various members of office, and told NOT to fly on that day, they were not encouraged, they were told. Around 20 people were told this, all obeyed. How did anyone know that there would be a crisis that day?
Oh and by the way, did anyone else know that Osama Bin Laden was receiving medical care FROM THE USA, in the days leading up to 9/11, and on 9/11 itself?
Oh, and why did the FBI carry away half the evidence? If I am wrong, and this was a terrorism attack, why not prove it and show us the evidence???
Well, like I said, didn't mean to offend anyone, ain't done anything against the rules here, let me know your thoughts peeps.
Again, see for yourselves, and post video links for/against my theory here.
google video link for loose change.