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Ok, I am not gonna be rude or offensive, but I feel this would be a good thread to se what the community thinks.

I watched a video, and before you say it's a load of crap, hear me out.

I saw this video, loose change, and it shows the events of 9/11, over one hour and 20 minutes worth of events.
Then I saw another video by some other people, and it backed up the loose change video.

In short, the video proves that there were explosions in the Towers, meaning that there were bombs inside.
9/11 Sniffer dogs removed from the world trade centre. All sniffer dogs that is.
9/11 Guards earn time off for doing overtime the previous weeks. Half of the guards that is.

On September 11th, one of the Terrorists in a Boeing aircraft, did a turn, bringing his plane to face towards the Two Towers. The turn was recorded in the control tower of an airport, and EXPERTS have said, the angle the plane turned, plus the speed it was going at, and the rate it descended at, would have caused it to go into a speed stall. This means, that plane cannot have performed that turn and hit the trade towers.

Eye witnesses claim to have seen cargo planes, NOT passenger planes hit the Towers.

Boeing engines are made from a combination of steel, aliminium, and some other element. Combined, they have a melting point, of X (I can't remember the exact number stated) Jet fuel, from the passenger planes, has a maximum temperature, of 450 degrees below the temperature required to melt the engines.

No engines found at the trade centre. One Plane piece was recovered, and it was proved to have come from an aircraft, that should have been nowhere near the Towers, in fact there are only a handful of them left in service.

Military aircraft diverted away from the Towers.

More information can be found by watching the video loose change. http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=7866929448192753501&q=loose+change

The plane cannot have hit the pentagon. The shape of the hole, was too small for a plane to have hit, and there were no wings from the plane.
A white flash as the explosion occured proves that it was a missile, I forget the exact name, that hit the pentagon. It prooves a plane cannot have done that amount of damage.

Helicopters were seen flying around both the Towers, and the Pentagon earlier on 9/11. This is restricted airspace, and records show, no aircraft should have been there that day.


Several Whitehouse officialls due to fly on 9/11, were contacted by various members of office, and told NOT to fly on that day, they were not encouraged, they were told. Around 20 people were told this, all obeyed. How did anyone know that there would be a crisis that day?

Oh and by the way, did anyone else know that Osama Bin Laden was receiving medical care FROM THE USA, in the days leading up to 9/11, and on 9/11 itself?

Oh, and why did the FBI carry away half the evidence? If I am wrong, and this was a terrorism attack, why not prove it and show us the evidence???

Well, like I said, didn't mean to offend anyone, ain't done anything against the rules here, let me know your thoughts peeps.

Again, see for yourselves, and post video links for/against my theory here.
google video link for loose change.

Spartan Erik

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Haha ugh what crap. You can't depend on eye witnesses' word of mouth; the problem is that so many people hate Bush that they will distort the truth to win with their liberal agenda. It's pathetic what this country is coming to in terms of politics. How many more terrorist attacks will it take until many liberals realize that we're under a real threat here? How many more dead will be needed? We lost more people in the twin towers than at Pearl Harbor; back in WWII the entire nation was willing to fight Japan for bombing Pearl Harbor. People here don't know what it's like to lose their freedoms.. it's why I anticipate an eventual foreign takeover of this country in the near future. Either that or economic collapse.

By the way, where are your sources? All that junk under "Miscellaneous" could've just been made up. It's why the media hasn't published any of it, because it's NOT RELIABLE.

Just my two, possibly three, cents.
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Well, even if they didnt lie about 9/11, they certainly didnt tell the entire truth. (Check the other thread about this for more info)

The major difference between this and Pearl Harbour was that 9/11 was NOT an attack from another country.
The cause of an eventual economic collapse in the USA will be your extreme military budget and unnecesary wars.

However, I do agree that many of the 'conspiracy' theories about 9/11 are ridiculous.


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There's conspiracy, but you gotta think which has the most logic.

For instance, think which of these is more reasonable
1. Bush knowing terrorists were planning an airborne attack
2. The government sending a missile into the pentagon

Either way, 9/11 is over and done with, the truth will come out some day


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And for the guy who posted the second comment, the media DID put this in the news when it first happened. It was in papares, and after a few days, it was ceased for no apparent reason, could this have been the government?? I wonder. And also, over here in Britain, it went on for a lot longer, because Bush doesn't have half the power here, as he does in America. And I do not mean government power.

Osama was getting treated for medical care, that much at the very least is fact. Why treat the guy who is going to blow you to hell. More to the point, why let him go???


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Where did the engines go, where did the black boxes from the cockpit go, and how was everything destroyed, and yet one of the terrorist's passports fell to the ground below, UNHARMED???

Also, why were the FBI seen carrying a large box, that took 6-8 men, away from the pentagon? Why have they denied this, even after it was caught on film by the media? Why won't they show the CCTV that would prove that a plane did hit the pentagon and not a missile?

The government, and the FBI could clear this matter up, and show people like me, how wrong we are, what fools we are to believe this loose change video, and others like it. Whjy don't they? Because they have something to hide. If they have something to hide, and it is to do with terrorism, the US and the British people deserve to know, it's their lives on the line, not the president's, not the governments, just the ordinary people, the police, the firemen, the ambulance crews, the doctors nurses soliciotrs childrens live, familie's lives.


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And might I suggest that you watch at least the first half hour of the video before making a comment about it, that way you would have a more balanced opinion, and you would also see the people who made this, recovered it from actual footage, and are not in the government, and are nothing to do with power, the president, or the3 government. They have families too, they have mothers, fathers, maybe sons and daughters. Cousins aunties and uncles, so why would they make this up. And how could they forge something the media recorded and broadcast for around 6 months in Britain and 1-2 months in the US? It would mean they would have to bribe the media to fake the story, get fake videos, edit the fake videos. Then they would have to bribe the media to publicise it, after which they would be around a million pounds, 2 million dollars, in debt, at the very least. By this point, anyone who knew they made the video and were in debt, would go to the media, get money for proving the whole story was a scam, then the people who made the video would be arrested.

Oh, and by the way, this was on the news as well. Several hard discs that survived the two Towers, were sent to Germany, where a team of the finest computer experts restored as many as possible. These PROVED that money, was being taken illegaly from and by the government, politicians, MP's or whatever they are in America, and various other people.

The owner of the Trade Towers was paid a considerable sum, to loan the building to the government or whoever for another 99 years around the time of the attacks. With this loan, he also took out insurance. But not just any insurance, not a wide insurance. He took out an insurance policy against fire theft and the usual, but also had an insurance plan, specifically relating to terrorism, or the attacks of terrorism on the World Trade Centres, or the attampted terrorism that took place upon the WTC's.

All this is kinda coincidential don't you think? Whitehouse officials told not to fly, engines going missing, the FBI and the government lying about things the actual footage of the evnts proved, the FBI taking all sniffer dogs out of the buildings, the plane that did the impossible turn, that was never there, the planes that should have been nowhere near there and where, without authorisation.

Use some common sense, and you should see, after watching this video, that whether everything I say is true or not, the government/FBI is hiding SOMETHING. Anyone that cannot see anything even slightly suspiocious may I suggest that you do a google search, then put together all the evidence for AND against my theory of 9/11, then tell me not one bit is suspicious. I doubt you can. Wait, I KNOW you can't, because it was proved on film, by the media, by tourists by whitnesses by hundreds of people that the FBI took the CCTV around the pentagon, and released only 7 frames a year afterwards, that didn't show anything other than the explosion, they only had to show the image of a plane hitting, and it would have quashed the rumours. But why wait a year, (I believe it was a year judging from 3 sources) then only show the part that fits their side of the story? What happened to the box the FBI carried away, what happened to the CCTV, why all the secrecy, why does 2+1 suddenly equal an unknown quantity, why are so many people easily led?

And while you're at it, can someone please tell me why the heck the sky IS blue?!?!?!


Abuse Compliance Officer
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"Why is the sky blue?"

The blue color of the sky is due to Rayleigh scattering. As light moves through the atmosphere, most of the longer wavelengths pass straight through. Little of the red, orange and yellow light is affected by the air.
However, much of the shorter wavelength light is absorbed by the gas molecules. The absorbed blue light is then radiated in different directions. It gets scattered all around the sky. Whichever direction you look, some of this scattered blue light reaches you. Since you see the blue light from everywhere overhead, the sky looks blue.

Source: http://www.sciencemadesimple.com/sky_blue.html

Not touching the 9/11 thing with a 1000 kilometer pole. Just not. Just figured I'd answer one question there :shifty:


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You're almost as bad as the US government not revealing the whole 9/11 thing. I hate conspirators; their main purpose is to spread fear, uncertainty and doubt. If everybody believed the conspirators, they might as well read The Onion for their news and rely on Uncyclopedia for their info.

First off, you can't rely on eyewitness reports. They were in a state of panic, and might have forgotten what really happened.

Second off, don't triple post. You can use this magical button:

Also, if you can, cite your sources.
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