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Hey guys i'm Ollie and i want to develop the best god-damn MMOBBS. I am definitely up to the challenge. Whilst only 17 (nearly 18, few months), i have been coding in PHP since i was 12 and programming Java and .NET since i was 15. Myself and a few friends have been on many 'game ventures' throughout high-school, needless to say all failed in some aspect. I have finally realised what we were doing wrong, and it is that we were doing nothing original. When you begin reading this long thread you will initially believe that this is nothing original, but i think you will come out thinking contrary.
Please note that this is not advertising my site. I am seeking opinions and idea development.
From our homepage at InvasionPoint.com;
Invasion Point is 100% about immersing the player in a galaxy far, far away and in the far future. Let me give you a list of features without revealing too much - note i don't want to ellaborate on these points if it is not done so in this article.
I have coded almost the entire engine, however there are many features remaining to be completed such as battles (the algerithm has been completed however by our highly capable mathematician), unit movement and Alliance forums/diplomacy/invitations. We do not have a confirmed graphics designer, however we have one interested who will begin work as soon as we have completed the initial features with placeholder graphics. Approx percentage of coding complete? 75% -- all of it the hard, gritty stuff. I have essentially coded my own scripting language inside PHP to make the rest of it quicker, including functions which explode specific sections of the MySQL database (particularly the users data and building/unit data) into easily accessible and transferable arrays reducing resource usage and increase speed. So far it is easily over 10,000 lines of code.
Why am i posting this?
I want to know what you think about this game, what the current state of the industry is, and what the browser based strategy games industry needs. I believe what it needs is an immersive game which does not require you to wake up at 4am in the morning to queue buildings. I also do not believe it is a game where you wait 4 hours for the results of a battle. Because this is set in the far future, unit movements are extremely fast across planets and you will see results very quickly. This game will be fast paced but will not require you to log in every hour to queue units or buildings. Basically, we are designing a fun game.
You can't do this
Why not? We have highly capable programmers and coders as well as over 5 years of experience playing these games. I have programmed the entire backend (timer completion, jobs etc) in Java. This Java server runs on the same machine as the webserver will (VPS - we will soon purchase one with x10 for our closed beta). I will admit that we do not have a lot of funds, however these can definitely be raised as we have jobs - i also do the occasional freelancing.
If you have any opinions and feedback please share - this has been placed in the gaming forum because it is a game, and is not yet a site we need tested.
Please note that this is not advertising my site. I am seeking opinions and idea development.
From our homepage at InvasionPoint.com;
I have been playing browser based strategy games for years now, and have noticed a steady trend. Games are getting worse, and are being driven towards cheap mechanics as well as all being clones of each other. Invasion Point is my attempt at changing the industry, and i think that somebody definitely needs to do this. Case in point: Evony. Evony is run by the same man that runs a World of Warcraft gold farming company named WoWmine. Evony is supported by its advertising spam and psychological manipulation - the standard 'pet training' techniques. There is no fun in Evony, and my old favourites such as Tribal Wars and Ikariam are failing to evolve.Invasion Point is a revolutionary new browser based strategy game which promises to completely the change the browser based genre and turn it back towards fun and thrills and away from cheap addicting mechanics.
Invasion Point was in slow development from January until September this year when it really picked up, and now is proving to be game changing for the genre. We offer more customisation, user friendliness and interactivity with the economy and alliances which will make you feel like you really are commanding a powerful nation.
We do not want to give too much away, but we can tell you that there will be an easy to use sharemarket, intelligent Artificial Intelligence players, inter-planet warfare, and so much more. We are currently focusing on the programming, technical and mathematical aspects of the game, and we promise that when this is complete we will invest in visually stunning graphics to prove you with an attractive, beautiful interface with clean animations.
Developed in New Zealand, this game is far from another ripoff of the earlier strategy games - we promise to revolutionise the industry. Invasion Point will not allow you to become the best by spending $200 to 'build a village in lightning speed'. The developers of Invasion Point have played all the old and current strategy games, and we're disgusted with them. We understand your frustrations, all you have to do is wait for us to finish.
Invasion Point is 100% about immersing the player in a galaxy far, far away and in the far future. Let me give you a list of features without revealing too much - note i don't want to ellaborate on these points if it is not done so in this article.
- Players begin on planets featuring other real players and Artificial Intelligence players which really grow and interact with other players, including pillages on player bases. You can eventually conquer the planet and expand to other planets. Start an alliance and grow throughout the galaxy, waging fierce battles.
- Alliance share market - bet on the success and failure of other alliances excluding your own - systems and rules in place to prevent this including systems to prevent multiple accounts.
- 100% AJAX integrated - completely seamless gameplay. Clicking links does not reload the page, it renders content inside the already existing page.
- Players purchase credits which can be spent on various things such as premium membership and scheduled tasks (will be introduced far after initial launch - will be our only source of revenue. We are anti-ads). Players can then resell credits on the 'credit market' to other players for ingame dollars and possibly real money (secure, instant transaction with us as the third-party. We are currently investigating what negative and positive impacts this would have on the economy, gameplay and playerbase as it is a new concept).
- Battalions - players form Battalions of troops by organising which troops go into what Battalions. Battalions earn experience from battles which can be spent on Battalion-specific bonuses (Eg, 10% additional damage to shield wall)
- Artificial Intelligence players with multiple levels of difficulty. These levels of difficulty increase as events transpire on the planet. For example, for the AI to advance from level 1 to level 2 (difficulty level) it must have been attacked 5 times, or a player on same planet reaches 1000 points.
- Interactive base view (see all your buildings) - when you order an attack you see vehicles leaving the base from the Barracks. When you order a missile strike you see missiles being fired from the silo etc. This is all done in Javascript with animated gifs.
- Many more features, which i feel are too sensitive to divulge.
- Different races with lore and race-specific graphics and gameplay bonuses.
I have coded almost the entire engine, however there are many features remaining to be completed such as battles (the algerithm has been completed however by our highly capable mathematician), unit movement and Alliance forums/diplomacy/invitations. We do not have a confirmed graphics designer, however we have one interested who will begin work as soon as we have completed the initial features with placeholder graphics. Approx percentage of coding complete? 75% -- all of it the hard, gritty stuff. I have essentially coded my own scripting language inside PHP to make the rest of it quicker, including functions which explode specific sections of the MySQL database (particularly the users data and building/unit data) into easily accessible and transferable arrays reducing resource usage and increase speed. So far it is easily over 10,000 lines of code.
Why am i posting this?
I want to know what you think about this game, what the current state of the industry is, and what the browser based strategy games industry needs. I believe what it needs is an immersive game which does not require you to wake up at 4am in the morning to queue buildings. I also do not believe it is a game where you wait 4 hours for the results of a battle. Because this is set in the far future, unit movements are extremely fast across planets and you will see results very quickly. This game will be fast paced but will not require you to log in every hour to queue units or buildings. Basically, we are designing a fun game.
You can't do this
Why not? We have highly capable programmers and coders as well as over 5 years of experience playing these games. I have programmed the entire backend (timer completion, jobs etc) in Java. This Java server runs on the same machine as the webserver will (VPS - we will soon purchase one with x10 for our closed beta). I will admit that we do not have a lot of funds, however these can definitely be raised as we have jobs - i also do the occasional freelancing.
If you have any opinions and feedback please share - this has been placed in the gaming forum because it is a game, and is not yet a site we need tested.