* No Warez! Absolutely under no circumstances do we allow any type of illegal or copyrighted material on our servers. Breaking this rule will get you a permanent suspension, we have a zero tolerance policy regarding this.
* File Hosting Every file on your site must have to do with the website you put up, we are not a file storage service and we strictly prohibit scripts such as torrentflux or rapidleech.
* Illegal Material: This includes copyrighted works, commercial audio, video, or music files, and any material in violation of any Federal, State, or Local regulation. You may not store copyrighted Mp3s or videos on your webspace in any way shape or form.
* Warez: Includes pirated software, ROMS, emulators, phreaking, hacking, password cracking, IP spoofing, etc... This also includes any sites which provide "links to" or "how to" information about such material.
* File Storage: Accounts are not to be used for file storage, your account will be permenantly suspended if found to be breaking this rule. Downloads are only allowed on your x10Hosting account if they have to do directly with your website. e.g. you developed custom software and are selling it or giving it away. Accounts may not be used for mirrors, game file hosting, or any other type of file hosting not specified here.
These are all from the same TOS you agreed to upon signup. You'll notice some say "Permanently suspended" or "zero tolerance policy". You -were- warned what would happen, and now it's time to pay the price.