Adcacion VI


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Hello x10 hosting forums,

I hereby invite you to join Adcacion VI; a roleplay forum set in 2154 where you are writing from the point of view of a survivor of the crash of Adcacion VI, a cruise spaceship from Earth to Orbitron with around 13000 people on board. you can choose to be staff or a passenger, and can roleplay from as many characters as you like.

The website is a progressive plot website thus more boards will appear as the plot develops. The website is fully supported by tapatalk and is in the form of a forum.

to join, you must first register then fill out the profile sheet in the registration forum and wait for your character to be accepted. In the mean time, feel free to post in the OOC forum and introduce yourself.

Our community is growing and friendly, all of us enthusiastic and well literate. The website is not fully compatible with Internet Explorer and thus another browser would be preferred.

So join us today at


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