Well, just a few hours ago, I tried to login to my site with FTP, and it said my password was wrong. So I tried to go into cPanel, but then I relized my entire website was gone:
Is it because I didn't have the Ad code on my main directory index page for like a day?
I have been re-contrusting my site, and I put my old site in a temporary folder called "test", and i started to work on my new one, and the index page was just "under construction" text. The ad was on my other site.
Removing someone's acocunt for not having the code by accident for a day is pretty low, and just deleting it right then and there with all of my precious files that I no longer have is even lower. If I could, I would sue you if I did not get those files back. They were EXTREMELY important to me.
Please, get back to me.
Is it because I didn't have the Ad code on my main directory index page for like a day?
I have been re-contrusting my site, and I put my old site in a temporary folder called "test", and i started to work on my new one, and the index page was just "under construction" text. The ad was on my other site.
Removing someone's acocunt for not having the code by accident for a day is pretty low, and just deleting it right then and there with all of my precious files that I no longer have is even lower. If I could, I would sue you if I did not get those files back. They were EXTREMELY important to me.
Please, get back to me.