They had their time to get all their points out of the bank, there was an announcement about it up for 2 or 3 weeks before they did disable it, only admin and moderators seem to have access to it atm.
I seem to remember them talking about a security issue but sure sure... they just dont want the bank and dont want to state their real reasonings.
The bank is no longer available and there is no chance of it coming back. They removed it for some reason or another and people had their chance to remove all points from the bank account.
So if you have any left then I am afraid that they are stuck in there! already posted an announcement about this some hours ago, but as I'm not sure if everybody noticed about it, I'm gonna say it here too.
Due to security matters with bank, I'll be disabling it in 2 weeks. So that is time you have to get your money out or you won't be able to recover it.
I won't accept any complains when the bank in down and won't return any points but in very special cases.
Good Weekend!
- Alejandro