Banner Exchange 10:9 >50-100 Banner Impressions/credit+5000 Free+10:50 holidays ratio


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Banner Exchange 10:9 >50-100 Banner Impression/credit+10000 Free+10:50 holidays ratio

I placed up a new banner exchange website and I need a few members. The current rate is 90%, 9 impressions received for 10 made.
Ok, making a new deal since it seems its not interesting enough for everyone.

Sign-up, place the exchange code on one or more of your pages and post your login+one url where you placed the code. I'll throw in 10000 free impressions.

+ I'll give a special ratio till end of holidays, January 1st. The rate will be of 500%, 5 impressions received per impressions made.

+You can buy 50 banner impressions per credit.

Buy for at least 1000 credits (1/7 of a 5$ payment from reward center) and receive 100 impressions per credit. That's 700 000 impressions for 5$, when have CPM ads been SO cheap anyway? I throw in 50 000 bonus impressions if anyone buy that much.

You can get tons of Impressions for cheap and keep them in reserve for later impressions by new members. Its a lot I'm giving out. Please encourage me and join.

I added the NamAds banner in my signature.
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