<a href="">Appearas</a>
This code is used to create a link to a url address.
<abbr title="et cetera">etc.</abbr>
This code is used for abbreviations and when you hold your mouse over the abbreviation it will appear as the title you have inserted; in this case you would see etc. and if you hold your mouse over it it would say et cetera.
<acronym title="World Wide Web">WWW</acronym>
This code is similar to the abbr tag except that instead of being an abbreviation you use it for acronyms. So when you hold your mouse over WWW you would see World Wide Web.
<address>Cinderella <br/> Box 123 <br/> Disneyland </address>
This code is used for adresses and often makes it appear in Italics The BR is where a new line starts.
<applet width="200px" height="100px"> </applet>
This code is used to embed a java applet into your website. The optional attributes should be placed inside of the <applet> tag.
This will put whatever is enclosed inside of the tags bold
<bdo dir="rtl">This Text will appear Right to left</bdo>
This is used to change the direction of the way the text appears based on the attribute applied. In the example above the output of hte code would read: sihT txeT lliw raeppa thgiR ot tfel
<bgsound src="song.mid" />
This is used to play a sound when a web page is loaded. (plays .midi files) Must be placed in header of the HTML.
<BIG>Increased Font Text</BIG>
This will increase the size of the font by 1. The max font size is 7.
This code will make the text appear Double bold.
<BLINK>This text will blink</BLINK>
Makes the selected text blink.
This is the Body of your HTML if you have a <head> tag this will proceed it.
This code is for a linebreak. It would be just like hitting enter in a word document.
Centers Everything wrapped in the tags.
<!--This text is a comment-->
You can use this to insert comments into the HTML but the comment won't appear on the web page itself.
The div tag is similar to the BR tag except is often followed by an ID referring back to the css.
Puts Emphasis on the text inside of the tags.
The EMBED element lets you display output from a plug-in application. Often used for movies or sound, etc.
<FONT>This is the font that is changed!</FONT>
This is used to change a word or words by chaning their size, color, or font type.
<H1>This is a heading</H1>
The H tags are used for a heading the lower the number (H1) the bigger the text. tags go from H1 - H6
The head tags is for describing the web page. This will not appear in the body of the browser as output
This draws a horizontal line. Size and color as well as width can be added to this tag.
Used to contain HTML coding. Usually placed before the <HEAD> and after </BODY>
The text wrapped in this code will appear italicized.
Creates a floating or inline frame. This is used to insert another webpage into a different web page. This forum is an example of an IFrame.
Used to create several layers on a web page to reveal underlying layers.
Used to insert an image onto a web page.
Used to insert information into a FORM such as check boxes and radio buttons.
Used to attach specific information to a field of a form.
Used to create several layers on a web page to revieal underlying layers through non occupied space.
Gives a caption for a group of related controls. This is created with a field set element.
Used to put in a list. Used inside of <MENU></MENU> tags.
Used to make a client-side image map.
Makes scrolling text.
Used for containing a list of menu items.
Used to contain info about the current document, placed in the <head></head> tags.
Means NO line break forcing no line breaks for any text between the selected tags.
Forces browsers that can't show the <EMBED> tag to ignore <EMBED> tags
Forces browsers taht can't show Frames to ignore the <FRAME> tags.
Allows embedding of objects into a browser and removes the APPLET element.
This describes an option in a boxlist format.
Used to create a new paragraph. Some browsers will allow you to omit the closing tag.
Used in a JAVA applet or some other object and only works in <APPLET> or <OBJECT> elements
All HTML inside of these tags is shown as normal text therefore ignoring all other tags.
Shows preformated text as it is, using supplied whitespace as text.
Used to show quotations.
<S></S> or <STRIKE></STRIKE>
Used to strikethrough text.
Used to describe text output from a program.
Allows programming inside of HTML by using a scripting language such as javascript.
Used to create an input list.
Used to create JavaScript which is executed on the server.
Used to make font smaller than normal.
Used to create vertical, horizontal, or rectangular whitespace in a line.
Used to create a structure in a document by grabbing info from the CSS.
Rendered with Strong emphasis, Bold.
Used to grab information from a Style Sheet document.
Used to create a subscript with smaller font.
Used to create a superscript.
Used to create a table. By using <TR> for table rows and <TD> for cells inside of those rows and <TH> to create a header for the cells.
Used to define the table Body.
Used to create a cell inside of a row inside of a table.
Used to create a multiline text form. Only valid inside of FORM tags.
Used to define a table footer.
Used to define the title of a web page. Only valid inside of the <HEAD> tags
Creates a Row inside of a table.
Used to underline the text wrapped in these tags.
Creates an unnumbered list, replacing numbers with bullets.
Description of a metasynthetic variable, where the user is to replace the variable with a specific incidence.
Used to create a Word Bank
(c) by Jober68