I was thnking to buy a laptop.
I need some suggestions for which laptop to go for.
My budget is 30k-40k.
I need the best recommendation in that budget!!:naughty:
Depends on what you want. If you want the highest end laptops around, go with Alienware, VooDoo, Vigor, etc, those gaming companies. They'll give you some awesome power.
you have quite a big budget. I bought an alienware laptop they are great and run well but watch out for overheating. id go with either voodoo or alienware on your budget.
Whatever you do, just don't buy an HP Pavilion DV6000 or DV9000 series laptop. HP is having a massive recall on that laptop because the Vista refuses to believe that the Wifi card is installed. My friend is going to have to send his laptop to HP and get his motherboard replaced (only solution according to HP support)