can u buy a website from X10hosting like a .com .net .org .biz.... or is it just free hosting
A adminsde New Member Messages 1 Reaction score 0 Points 0 Dec 12, 2007 #1 can u buy a website from X10hosting like a .com .net .org .biz.... or is it just free hosting
adrenlinerush New Member Messages 379 Reaction score 1 Points 0 Dec 12, 2007 #2 no you can get it elsewhere and use it here by setting it as an addondomain and either pointing the nameservers here or using 3rd party dns name servers pointed to your servers ip
no you can get it elsewhere and use it here by setting it as an addondomain and either pointing the nameservers here or using 3rd party dns name servers pointed to your servers ip
Q QuwenQ Member Messages 960 Reaction score 0 Points 16 Dec 12, 2007 #3 You can't buy a domain from them for money, but you can "buy" a domain that's .com, .net, or .org for 9000 credits.
You can't buy a domain from them for money, but you can "buy" a domain that's .com, .net, or .org for 9000 credits.