I have been reading in the forum the last couple of hours and cannot figure out what I am doing wrong.
I click the cPanel URL and enter the username/password that was sent to me via eMail (all lower case). I even tried to reset my password at the cPanel login page. A text is displayed telling me that I am about to receive an eMail, which has not arrived so far.
Displayed Hosting Account Information:
Primary Domain: http://griffin999.x10hosting.com
cPanel URL: http://griffin999.x10hosting.com:2082
Hosting Type: Ad-Free
Advertisements: None Required
Disk-Space Allotment: 300 MB
Bandwidth Allotment: 10000 MB
Features: cPanel 10+, MySQL, PHP 5+, CGI, FTP
PHP Version: - (What is this?)
I click the cPanel URL and enter the username/password that was sent to me via eMail (all lower case). I even tried to reset my password at the cPanel login page. A text is displayed telling me that I am about to receive an eMail, which has not arrived so far.
Displayed Hosting Account Information:
Primary Domain: http://griffin999.x10hosting.com
cPanel URL: http://griffin999.x10hosting.com:2082
Hosting Type: Ad-Free
Advertisements: None Required
Disk-Space Allotment: 300 MB
Bandwidth Allotment: 10000 MB
Features: cPanel 10+, MySQL, PHP 5+, CGI, FTP
PHP Version: - (What is this?)