Hello there, I'm having a problem with my site that I'm sure is linked to here for hosting. My primary domain is: robinrainbowdesigns.co.uk and even though I have set the name servers to here it looks like it can't be found. Because it's my primary url too I can't log into the c-panel for it, (robinrainbowdesigns.co.uk:2082)
Anybody got any ideas how I can get my site up and running? Help would be much appreciated this is frustrating me to the core. Thanks in advance.
Also, this isn't or wasn't related to when the servers were down on the free accounts, it's a permanent thing that I can't seem to fix.
Anybody got any ideas how I can get my site up and running? Help would be much appreciated this is frustrating me to the core. Thanks in advance.
Also, this isn't or wasn't related to when the servers were down on the free accounts, it's a permanent thing that I can't seem to fix.