Country Code Blocklisted - E32DD44229FE93438


New Member
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Hi, maybe I was posting to the wrong topic before, my account has my country blocked, can`t login to download/backup site and have got a mail of inactivity period
Can it be unblocked?
Thanks you.

Country Code Blocklisted​

Your country is not supported at this time. New accounts cannot be created by users from this country. Technical support team members cannot bypass this restriction. Please try again at a future date. Existing account holders, read below.

All issues that are listed above must be resolved before this error will clear including waiting 24 hours for temporary blocks to expire. Requests to clear blocks before the temporary 24 hour expiration or the rule violation is corrected will not be processed. If you believe this error is incorrect, you can request a review on Discord or the Community Forum. Your error code is E32DD44229FE93438