It's not like any links with this page would be exposed.
All usage would be contained within a php script.
Now you've got me confused; how would the PHP script get the username/password, the amount of credits, and the person to transfer to if it's all contained in the script?
Back to macro, the HTTP GET, which is as easy as "copy link location" and paste into notepad; even php documents can have GET stuff:
My URL Bar said:
You need a way to give the php script the username and password. The problem is giving that script the username and password without actually exposing it - anything with HTTP get is simply "Copy link location" and go...
Also, why not an encrypted password?
That could work actually, but I'd worry about the kind of encryption used - keep in mind that if it can be encrypted, at some point it can also be decrypted.
One thing I CAN see though is a system where someone clicks the link and it adds them to a "points queue" for you to validate - you'd still have to manually send the points out, but instead of it requiring your username and password you'd have something more like this:
credit_trans.php?amt=5&offer=1, which might take you to a page where you input your forum name.
Then it shows up in a queue, which might show stuff like this:
Livewire - 5 - Referral click[send]
GamingX-10 - Referral click[send]
Corey-999999 - I am God, gimme all your credits
At least then it's not automatic - it'd still require you to verify that the points being requested are actually _valid_ requests. It'd at least take the worry out of "ok, can someone click that link 100 times and have it transfer all my credits out of my account," even if you'd still have to manually send them out.
I dunno, I just can't think of an automatic way to do this without giving out the username and password - thats the main problem I can see with it being automatic. Anything where you'd still have to validate it would be fine - just take the password out of the equation and you're good to go.