Please help me solve the problem.
You can NOT have a Cron job execution (starting) for less-than five (5) minutes with a x10hosting's free-hosting account
Cron jobs may not request external content - and you can have only one (1) Cron job execution per five (5) minutes with a x10hosting's free-hosting account
This Cron job will make a 'output' log file in your [ public_html ] folder named [ cron_output.log ] and assumes you PHP script is in your [ public_html ] folder
to test - set the 'time' for every six (6) minutes - I suggest setting it to run no more frequently than you will actually need - after the test
note: the time you set is based on the server's time zone
Minute -- */6
Hour ---- *
Day ----- *
Month --- *
Weekday --*
replace {your cPanel name} and {your PHP file name} with yours - without the "{" "}" - do not add any spaces
note: there is a space at [ ...bin/php(space)/home/... ]
Cron command - one long line:
/usr/local/bin/php /home/{your cPanel name}/public_html/{your PHP file name} 2>&1 >> /home/{your cPanel name}/public_html/cron_output.log