I'm looking at it, but I'm a little unsure of how it *should* be. Can you give a breif description of what the page should look like?
To give a background image to an element, you would use somethign along the lines of this:
.whateverClass {
background-image: url('/path/to/image.gif');
background-repeat: no-repeat|repeat-y|repeat-x|repeat; /* Pick one. :-) */
/*... Whatever other properties. */
Check out
http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_background.asp if you don't know the properties, or need help with any of them.
You said you want the background image to the entire element, not only the text or whatever is in the element. The only thing I can think of that would cause that is that the element has a low height/width set (Whether it's the default behavior of the element, or what you set it to.)
I would suggest checking out how large your image that you want to have as the background image, then giving the element's, (That you wish to place that image into the background of), height and width more.. static values.
Such as..
.whateverClass {
background-image: url('/path/to/image.gif');
background-repeat: no-repeat|repeat-y|repeat-x|repeat; /* Pick one. :-) */
/* If your image was 250px x 300px. */
height: 250px;
width: 300px;
Hmmm well yea, I'll wait for you to post back to see about the IE/Firefox problem(s).