Cuba and Bosnia (But not the US)


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george bush is a friggin terrorist.... i mean he just causes more of it, i think he should be impeached for his heinous acts, and as for cuba. they can go f*** themselves, no1 freakin cares about a bunch of drug lords... without the US cuba would be shi*, how would they get all that income for those drugs... and as for bolivia, without the US, they wouldnt be a freakin country.... without the monroe doctrine, they would still be owned by spain or the dutch or portugual w/e teh hell country wants to invade South America... but i think they are right... George Bush is a terrorist.... i think its time that us americans stop taking these corporate whores! yeah ugh... i think i stated my belief!

Jordan K

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Your accusations of George Bush are for what reason? Do you have real reasons or are you lead to believe this because everyone else believes this? Have you ever wondered why George Bush is invading Iraq? Sure it's because of the oil they have, but why would he want to steal oil? To become more powerful? Maybe not, go research the worlds oil supplies... at current rate of use the oil will last another 50 years maximum throughout the world. Maybe he's doing this so his country will survive? Without oil (which is also used to make fuel such as gasoline for your car) nothing will work in a country with a high-standard of living. I personally do not live in the US but I can assure you I know he's doing the right thing, I mean look... North America harbours 95% of all the worlds fresh water. Who do we trade it to? No one, we share it between Canada and the US, why? Because it is what we can do to help ourselves last as long as possible. What if every other country didn't fear the US? I don't think North America would last much longer, I am sure we would have been taken over by some Saudi country for our water. So now tell me, is George Bush really doing the wrong thing? He may be killing innocent people in another country, but there is a reason for that... because he hates them? No, like everyone already says he's after the oil. Maybe they should all just shut the **** up about him as you can see he's doing something to help preserve the North American way of life. Once our fuel supplies run out and everything eventually stops working, what's going to happen to us? Civil wars will break out and people will end up dieing, maybe you, maybe your family; ultimately breaking our countries down to third world ones.

So ask yourself this question after reading this ENTIRE paragraph (if you haven't read the entire thing than please don't reply because you're only wasting my time)... Would you rather save someone elses life in another country that you will probably never meet in possible exchange for you and your familys' lives? If we lived just like animals in the jungle, it would be everyone fend for themselves. You would kill others to just keep you and your family alive for another day. So why is it so wrong now? If it came down to where you had to press a button to save some foreigner's life but in exchange for your own and your familys' lives? I don't think so...

So once again, is it really wrong for George Bush to take something from people that are going nowhere to keep people that are somewhere in the world, that mean something, that do something to contribute where they are? You all critisize him as if it were just something bad he's doing, but none of you had taken the time to consider why he is doing it, you just hear it and assume he's doing something bad. Afterall the foundation of life is survival that's why we reproduce, we are meant to live like animals in a jungle and yet now that we are civilized (or say we say) it's so wrong to survive?
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... george bush didnt invade iraq for oil.... he invaded it because of an accusation of the "Possibility of Weapons of Mass Destruction" and because Mr. Saddam Hussein wanted to protect (probably just himself and his regime so he could stay in power) he wouldnt let the UN inspectors into his "secret places," where Mr. Bush makes false accusations, Saddam Hussein, is a bad person, but in my opinion he was helping his country by not letting the UN inspect certain places, you know why? because everyone in the middle east is well was scared of Iraq because they feared he had Weapons of Mass Destruction, therefore they didn't get invaded by other middle-eastern countries... and you say george bush went in their for oil? HELL NO! gas has became more expensive, to the point, where its over half of the minimum wage in the "Great United States" george bush did not do this to protect his citizens or for oil, he did it, because he thought it would benefit him by "showing he would fight off anybody who he "THINKS" has terrorist weapons," he was so sure that saddam had some, he just had to run our economy into the ****hole... he isnt doing whats best for America in the long run, how does costing America over 1 Billion dollars a week, and costing american lives to defend a country, that when we pull out, will get invaded.... yeah sure theirs oil, but what does it matter when a group of people, that actually have "Weapons of Mass Destruction" invade the country, it causes us to go to war, costing more american lives... and maybe, these weapons that these countries have hit our homeland.... Oil wont matter.... now will it? say your country decides to help us out, the weapons might come to your country to? remeber the London Bus Bombings?

So what is really best for us in the long run? Who knows? maybe im wrong, its a debate thats based on opinion, im sure we could go at it for days, but lets just leave it at this, no point at arguing something that has already happened, and that is going to keep happening

Jordan K

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Okay first off... I hate to break this to you but I will just put it on the table, I am not going to coat it with candy because I simply don't want it to be harder than it already is.

You are a retard. (for two reasons you can see at the bottom of the post).

Now that is said and done and is out of the way, YOU think he went in because he though he had weapons of mass destruction, YOU think Saddam was trying to hide from him and protect his country. But in reality you are WRONG. GOOGLE and THE NEWS can prove this. You see the pictures they have released of him? Sure dress him up like they do in Hollywood and take some pictures then ship him off to Hawaii with a few mills. He's not in jail, he's on vacation and he's paid and set for the rest of his life. The US put Saddam INTO IRAQ. THEY PUT HIM IN THERE AS A LEADER... GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT, again here I go p00ning noobs. The US ALSO GAVE HIM WEAPONS. Everyone knows this, well atleast everyone with a common sense (unlike yourself) that follow what's going out there. So being that they put him into power and gave him weapons, why would they go in there as freedom fighters and look for weapons? :eek:wned:

The fact is that no one is actually dieing over there anymore, they've taken out all the rebel factions that were attacking them a long time ago. Now it's just a slaughter while Saddam (which was PUT INTO POWER by the US in IRAQ) chills on vacation somewhere in the US (maybe CALI, maybe HAWAII, we'll never know, it's called a Federal Relocation Program).

So like I said in my first post, do not reply here if you're going to waste my time, and obviously you aren't intelligent enough to come up with a feasible argument. Your entire reply was just screaming and ranting without any actual facts weaved into it somewhere. Anyways, so yeah just if you read this and you're going to reply, just remember you're wasting time and I probably won't end up reading another one of your posts full of **** that...

A. Is completely unreadable because you have the english skills of some scientist in Pakistan.

B. You have no facts to back up what you say or resources on where I can find facts.

So, anyways... No hard feelings, Happy New Year.

PS. What happens in this thread stays in this thread... meaning (for those of you who are illiterate such as Rising) if I argue in this thread doesn't mean I am mad at you, I am just giving you constructive critisism on how you can improve on your posting skills for meaningful threads.

*Edit: There is no debating to be done, there is the facts I have aligned on a silver platter for you, it's more like a tutorial than an argument.
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... you havent lived in the us when the war started, the only reason the news says that, and the other things IS TO COVER UP THE MISTAKE HE MADE WHEN HE DECLARED WAR!
saying you owned me.... and i have the skills of a pakistanee scientist.... wtf is your problem, you cant even be talking about this, you know why because you don't even live in freaking america... it is different to your country and to every other country, America was just covering its footsteps... the only good reason you stated was oil, and no offence that was bull**** bcuz i can state facts, here let me post some sources...

Also, You were right about removing him from office and this is listed in other (securing Iraqi Resources & Oil) which was not the main point for the war.

In fact, a couple of your points were right, and a coup;le of mine are right, you just fail to acknowledge that, and calling me retarded is just flat-out immature, have you provided any sources that have knowledge? i even gave you knowledge that supported both views... and for you to say i havent stated any facts... its just ridiculous (forgive spelling)

George Bush's own father was against him... George W. Bush was picking the fight before he even got into office...

Now before you go saying o those only support your ideas, and calling me a retard again, take the time to read every single article i have posted... to not do so would humiliate you... and saying things like "Owned" just make you look like an ass, because in ways we have proved each other wrong, yes oil played a little part, yes wanting to get saddam out of office was a little part, but my reason, was the best one out of all three: Weapons Of Mass Destruction, Now their is a better reason, which is in the last article, which is from George Bush's "Ghost Writer," it claims that Georgie boy was picking a fight with a small country to make him a better president, and it also claims he wanted to invade Iraq before he became president... so if you actually read all of this, then reply, i have looked at your sources, i have even read the source at the top of the page, yes i think its ridiculous for Bolivia to say that about the United States, but when a president goes to war to make himself look like a hero... its almost true...

not to be childish or anything, but when the link shortens it says Ass Destruction..
also i think this should be stickied, this is a good debate
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I really really REALLY dont like bush, and i would understand why people dont want to go to US. We are already into $8.1 trillion of debt and its still rising.