randomtalkradio said:How can i get like custom themes for my pc without slowing it down? I dont wnat it tto be that plain blue anymore I want something cool and fun.
Geoff said:In one word yes.
A site said:.msstyles is the skin format that the default Windows XP theme is in. But Microsoft made it so that you can't use uncertified MSStyles. Some people have gotten around this by patching Microsoft's skin engine DLL (uxtheme.dll).
I did that though and when I double click, the style doesn't even preview in my appearance tab! :hsughno:J-Factor said:Sorry, forgot to mention - You need to copy the theme files (.theme/.msstyles) to the following directory:
After that, double click the theme file and click "Apply" in the Appearance tab of the Display Properties window.
Conor said:Ok, I hacked it successfully. Now I need to now how to change my icons. Anybody?