I'm afraid the error is yours, cowsigan. I had the same problem when I first joined, and it was my fault then too. You see, you stated when you joined that you had read and agreed to the TOS. Like me, you didn't read it. It clearly states you MUST log-in (no posting required) to the forum once every 2 weeks.
I guess it just goes to show you we should start reading these things. lol. Sorry you lost the marks, but you can't expect x10 to send you a warning email before suspending your account for not following the rules. Otherwise, why bother posting them?
You should stay with x10hosting though. I've been with them since August, and I think they are great. Although my account did get suspended once for "inactivity" (not logging in to the forums at least once every two weeks), it has never happened since. In fact, I use forums.x10hosting.com as my start page, therefore I will never again forget.