Do you really post your real infomation?, Like Birthday etc... Yesterday I asked NedreN to change my username to my real firstname and changed my birthday to the correct date that is in a week or so.
I really don't care about the name. It's really hard for someone to come here and find me. My birthday, yeah, I have no problem. Address and Phone, never, well sometimes my cell phone when it is required, I really doubt anyone's gonna call me.
I trust every one here to put my real name only if im signing up for a hosting account with the script and if im applying for staff :d witch i know only staff can look at it so i have no worries :d other than that i never reveale my real true name
Well, My zip code/Postal code (whatever you call it) I've had people send me flyers in the mail.. And sites that want your phone number things like that.