Cheers mate. yeah, there's a major flaw somewhere in the communications of the servers software.
to save further frustration on both parties, account del seems the easiest way out hehe.
"Hosting Domain Modification
submitted November 28 at 2:48 pm
action status
Process wait
A change to your hosting account's primary domain. "
as you can see it's still sitting there waiting. I thought at first there might have been a hiccup, so I resummitted it. but, both are still pending, been over 36 hours now.
if it's ok with you guys, I will open another acc when this is gone. or, alternatively, if you could reset back to default? I'm thinking del is easier..
I design all my own pages and graphics, so I have complete backups, and copies... and copies of copies.. lol.. ohhboy..
anyway, enough dribble.. thanks again Jarryd.
delete away mate..