Dont suspend people so fast...

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I joined this hosting to try it out, lots of people like it so I would see if it was as good as people say. Well when I go to regitser I fill it ALL out and then it turns out I have to register on the forums in order to signup, of course I opened up another window and registered but I think that is a bad idea to force you to register on the forums. It makes it SEEM like you have a lot of members when you really dont since more then half probably are never on. Anyways I register, it goes good, then I activate it, then I have to leave to do some things, and I forget all about it. Then about I dont know 6 or so days I come back, try and login and below and behold my account is suspended for no activity! Why do you suspend people so fast? Its kinda annoying and makes a very bad impression of your hosting.


Active Member
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Hi nscnet,

Welcome to x10. You seem to be upset with the rules and regulations (R&R) but let me assure you that this host is up and stable because of the R&R. The host has been through some tough and challenging times as such the rules were put in place so that the servers do not get clogged up with people who do not need the site.

Why need to register on the forums? Well it's because the hosting and the forums are part of the terms and conditions which you agreed to, when you signed up. (Yes it pays to read the details first before clicking "I've read")

Suspended? Need to fret, you can un-suspend yourself. If you had chosen the ad-free package then you would not have been suspended. The ad supported packages require that you insert the ads into your website. So I MUST thanks the mods and account managers who check on the accounts so regularly. This would also boost confidence in members here, that the account managers are doing their job. In turn, this speeds up the hosting for the rest of us.

So if you're still interested, the mods and accounts managers and the members here are willing to help you out.



New Member
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Lets put it this way, nothing is totally free, the price here is that you have to follow stricter rules than if you were paying MONEY for hosting.

OF course, if you were willing to shell out a few bucks, you could go for paid hosting.


New Member
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I have ad free hosting this is the reason it says:
Hosting account suspended for inactivity.

I just want to say... you know how bad it is to tell someone to go to paid hosting? That should be a big no-no. Its pretty much saying Yeah go away we dont want you. Its one thing if they have a big site used on a lot but when its just starting thats telling me you dont want me here...

And I know free hosts are stricter then paid hosts... I have paid hosting, and using another free host and I was testing you guys out... so far not to good.


New Member
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X10 needs to ensure that only users who are using there accounts end up holding one. This is annoying, admittedly, I have had my account recently unsuspended for not writing in this forum. Just hold your chin up use your free account with c-panel! Don't seem ungreatful, I don't want x10 to go away any time soon.


New Member
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Okay so it is illegal to get an account to see if the hosting is good, and if it turns out to be people just might switch over to you and tell others how great it is? :shifty: Doesnt seem like what your trying :|
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Legend Killer
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It makes it SEEM like you have a lot of members when you really dont since more then half probably are never on.

Under the terms and conditions you agreed upon, you are to just check in once every two weeks. This way, you can check to see if there are problems with the servers, if there are any updates, ask support related questions, etc.
No. Not every one is on at the same time and I doubt everyone comes on ... but at least if they have the free hosting, they are required to login twice a month.

Then about I dont know 6 or so days I come back, try and login and below and behold my account is suspended for no activity!

It would of had to have been more than 14 days. If you don't login to the forums once in a 2 week period, your account is suspended for Inactivity. If it was less than 14 days, then there was an error in the system and we will do our best to apologize for the error.

And I know free hosts are stricter then paid hosts... I have paid hosting, and using another free host and I was testing you guys out... so far not to good.

Explain why its not so good? Because you didn't completely read the rules you agreed to? Or because you were one of the many that get suspended every day for violating the rules? Granted, x10 has its issues, all hosting does. But to blame the hosting for the failure of the user ... thats a little harsh.


Legend Killer
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Okay so it is illegal to get an account to see if the hosting is good, and if it turns out to be people just might switch over to you and tell others how great it is? :shifty: Doesnt seem like what your trying :|

No. Its not illegal to get an account to test it out. Its against the rules, though, to not use your account or to break the Terms of Service you agree to. Any hosting company would agree to that statement. You can try our service, just please abide by our rules when you USE the service.


New Member
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Firstly nscnet a salutation would have been very welcomed on the start of your new thread/post.
Everything has a price, if you just don't want to be obliged by the rules and regulations & TOS, a paid hosting is better expected.


Edit: If you don't like it just leave as already said.
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Active Member
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If you really read and fully understand the rules and regulations of x10hosting maybe you will not be suspended. Me, whenever i use the computer and have an internet access i always check on the forums and even also my site almost everyday. I applied for a staff of x10 when corey announced that they were hiring but i do not yet know who was qualified. Hope i am chosen :)

mr kennedy

Reaction score
hey man look, x10 provides FREE hosting to all that are willing to be abide by the TOS and R&R and be able to login every two weeks. Is that so hard? just because you weren't able to get a few EASY steps, you bash x10? The saying that 'the customer is always right' doesn't apply all the time. If you are not willing to abide by the terms and say x10Hosting is bad,

well bah god
the door is always open for someone to leave!


New Member
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I am not bashing its just so far from what I have seen all you do is blame the hostee, MySQL is down... pffft not my problem, and Stop shutting down the domains, not our problem, you have no right to complain and all that jazz. Yes I do understand, we have no right to complain but you should take responsibility for what and how you are treating your users. You think if when someone makes a suggestion and then go balistic on them! I have no right to complain but when it comes to things like suspending so fast, always being down people are going to complain and leave. Take responsibility and treat people right! :-\


New Member
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My account was suspended even though I check the forums more often than once every 2 weeks.

Site created: 11/16/07
Forums checked: 11/27/07, but account already suspended

I was going to use the page to learn about and test MySQL scripts. I hadn't even uploaded anything that worked yet. :(

I would be happy to abide by the published rules if the site owners did the same.


I Break Things
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We force the forum sign-up because upon account creation that hosting account with ALL the information is linked to the forum account you have. So when you post here any account manager can pull up all your account information right from your post. This makes it not only easier on us but easier on you. Instead of making a bunch of posts to get the info from you we already have it. No time wasted.

Regarding downtime\updates, etc... we have a server alerts forum and I try to keep it as updated as I can. You should be able to find any information about what is going on and why there. When you say this:
from what I have seen all you do is blame the hostee, MySQL is down...

I do not understand where or when I blamed any of our hosting members for the MySQL issues?

Regarding treatment of members. The members that provide constructive criticism and are diplomatic about their issues are treated great. The people that only come on here to complain and demand things are not treated the same, you're right. If you handed someone $10 and they complained because it was all in ones or some of them were ripped. Would you want to deal with that person?

I think we are very fair here with how we run things rules wise and how we treat our members. If you feel that we are not then provide a non combative explanation of why and I'll be more than happy to read it and respond.



Legend Killer
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I am not bashing its just so far from what I have seen all you do is blame the hostee, MySQL is down... pffft not my problem, and Stop shutting down the domains, not our problem, you have no right to complain and all that jazz. Yes I do understand, we have no right to complain but you should take responsibility for what and how you are treating your users.

How we are treating the users? So far, the first post you made to this site, was a complaint. Without asking us nicely to look into the matter. We do have script errors that have suspended people by mistake. It does happen, scripts are computer programs that do have the ability to fail from time to time.

It took till your 3rd post to request the unsuspension. After you first berated our service for something we may have not been aware of. ( If we don't know about a problem, its hard for us to fix the problem )

A few posts later, then you seem to know what our rules are, because you post and tell someone else, in a seemingly joking manner, that they can't request something.

You think if when someone makes a suggestion and then go balistic on them!

Where is your suggestion? You made a complaint. Not a suggestion. I read your first post. You complained and then questioned. How are we really suppose to respond to a complaint, when the user just posts for the first time? ( And not once stating they read the TOS, etc )

I have no right to complain but when it comes to things like suspending so fast, always being down people are going to complain and leave. Take responsibility and treat people right! :-\

You have a right to complain. Everyone does. Its a matter of how you go about complaining. I've been with the company for over a year. Back when x10 was in the mist of some serious work. Yes, a lot of people left, but x10 came back. It happens. Companies have errors and need time to fix them. Its hard to fix them when new users come rushing in, and on their first post - complain. How about taking the time to read the News, Announcements, and Server alerts. Then you see what the company is going through and act accordingly.

We treat others the way they treat us. Come in and complain and demand, we don't listen too clearly.

If you have further complaints, feel free to PM them to me directly. I will do my best to sort out your issues with your account.
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