Already a) Done that b) Got it. Besides a) rules are FOR breaking, else here wont be rules b) Thats gonna change me same much as knowledge that most are boring old men.
And now importing phpbb smiles to SMF
0) Download smile pack
1) If you want to make add smiles to already made pack
1.1.) Extract smileys at \
1.1.1.) Edit smiley names acording to what you want.
1.1.2.) If you want to include new smileys in ohter packs, put them in ohter sets too.
1.2.) Youre done! To edit smiley names, go to Admin panel -> Smileys -> Edit Smileys
2.) Make a new smiley pack using downloaded ones
2.1.) Extract smileys at \
2.1.1.) Edit smiley names acording to what you want.
2.1.2.) If you want to add them to ohter packs also, copy them there.
2.3) Go to admin panel -> Smileys and Smiley Sets -> Smile sets
2.4) Press New Smiley Set
2.5) Enter data requierd
2.6) In case smileys in ohter packs are ohter kind of named, you may get some errors, but you can ingore them.
PS. If there are realy much "boring old men", then why simon(simieuk, or simie) told me to sign up to x10hosting because he knows how much different i am to ohters?!