I am just about done developing a sample real estate web-site for portfolio purposes. This is my first website. I am going to design it next and was hoping some folks could find some bugs for me b4 I take that on. I was at a friends and he did not get the list of houses at all on the find houses page.
http://jonrickless.x10hosting.com username: real password: estate (ADMIN)
I know I need to put in alt's for picture not loading right....
I may alrdy know about the issues, but I may not so please tell me if you see a problem.
Is it ok to use percents for div's instead of pixels?
Would it be ok to use ajax and just have 1 single html file (index.html)?
Right now i just learned ajax so its only on one page.
Any way to add a house , logout, check houses and see what was just added without closing browser?
How do I do onmouseover="Put a picture at a certain location on screen"
and onmouseout="take the picture away leaveing what was there before" ? The picture location needs to be at certain spot on visible screen, not in relation to the actual page. i.e. If they have scrolled half way down the page, and mouseover a camera, the picture will appear at the top left of the visible window.
Thanks in advance for any help
Was thinking this was technical because Im working on site development, but I see now should be in Design section regardless if I have started the design or not. Sorry bout that kinda new....
http://jonrickless.x10hosting.com username: real password: estate (ADMIN)
I know I need to put in alt's for picture not loading right....
I may alrdy know about the issues, but I may not so please tell me if you see a problem.
Is it ok to use percents for div's instead of pixels?
Would it be ok to use ajax and just have 1 single html file (index.html)?
Right now i just learned ajax so its only on one page.
Any way to add a house , logout, check houses and see what was just added without closing browser?
How do I do onmouseover="Put a picture at a certain location on screen"
and onmouseout="take the picture away leaveing what was there before" ? The picture location needs to be at certain spot on visible screen, not in relation to the actual page. i.e. If they have scrolled half way down the page, and mouseover a camera, the picture will appear at the top left of the visible window.
Thanks in advance for any help
Was thinking this was technical because Im working on site development, but I see now should be in Design section regardless if I have started the design or not. Sorry bout that kinda new....
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