Figured I needed a little intro


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Hi folks! I'm glad that I finally decided to hop on the x10 forums. I've been using X10 hosting since this past September, and I have nothing but good things to say about it.

A little about me: I'm 21 years old, working at UPS and also doing a little bit of freelance web design. I was studying theater at UMass but my heart just wasn't into school, so I took time off to pay off some student loans and finance a new car. I'll be going back next fall to instead pursue a bachelor's in business, while minoring in theater.

Fun fact...Probably my most successful project was designing a blog for a friend of mine who is a waiter in NYC. He's been featured on Dr.Phil, ABC, and a few radio shows. Over 3,000,000 hits in a little under 4 years, and he's got quite the following!

I look forward to getting to know all the regulars around here. Just skimming the forums, I can already tell that I'll be learning tons of new things about how to improve my web sites. I hope I can help others in doing the same!

See you around the forums,