SO i ahev this file lockker which opens up a folder when i enter a password? How cna I make it so files are forsure protected? ANy ideas? I need the maximum protection.
Best bet is RAR the files in with a password (Long, 10 chars minimum, alphanumersymbolic - letters upper/lowercase, numbers and symbols), and encrypt file names. Unbeatable protection.
if you don't want it seen don't put it on the web. But if you must put it online for some reason, then create a folder deep in your site. And create an htaccess file with a username/password and then just place the htaccess files into the directory with your image and basically if anyone tries to access the image it will ask for a login and password.
AES government-grade encryption. No headers on TrueCrypt-created files. Hidden Volumes. It even has in its manual a writeup on what to do to avoid enemies.
Of course, if you want online encryption, I can't help you there.