flamplayer error ( worked before :S )

Team Dread

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ok here is the error i get on EVERY host ... exept in the beginning on this host ( cool the only host where it works :p )

this is the error i get ,
SQL/DB Error -- [Table 'tdc_music.flamplayer_artists' doesn't exist]
Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/tdc/public_html/music/flamplayer/admin/includes/fp_admin_functions.php on line 51

and i dont get it why it worked then before ??

can some1 help me whit it , Thank you
if you need the line 51 of that fp_admin.php , then i wil post it to

Greets From The Crasher


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Post the sql statement first then only it is possible to diagnose the problem

Team Dread

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becouse i cant post 35754 characters ( php file ) so i goin upload it , then just open it to see what i mean ,

the thing i can post are the database conection files ( mysql user and so on ) but i goin hide my username and pass and mysql database (security reason :) )

Flamplayer works like a forum , it is installing himself into a database so you dont need to do that manual , and then he gave a error that says that it cant install himself ( i think that it that is ) ( login to see it .. )

the error can be found on line 51 in the file that i atached (in zipfile otherwhise i coulnd upload it ... and open then the map include (is everything that he ask ) and then open the file .. fp_admin_functions.php and see to line 51 )

to login just click here , the pass and username are "admin" (whitout the " )

 * FLAM Player SETTINGS - Basic Databse / User / Password configuration                         *
 * Copyright (C) 2007 - STIMULAB                                                                *
 * Author:  STIMULAB                                                                            *
 * Email:   info@stimulab.net                                                                   *
 * Website: http://www.stimulab.net                                                             *
 * FLAM Player is not Open Source, FLA and PHP codes are copyrighted and cannot be sold         *
 *                                                                                              *
 * YOU CAN :                                                                                    *
 * - Install FLAM Player where you want, for personal or commercial use                         *
 *   (The FLAM Player footer with links must stay visible)                                      *
 *                                                                                              *
 * YOU CANNOT :                                                                                 *
 * - Sell FLAM Player or any portion of it, as a product or a service                           *
 * - Copy / Modify / Rename / Decompile SWF / Redistribute FLAM Player's files wihout           *
 *   prior authorisation of STIMULAB                                                            *
 * - Use FLAM Player to broadcast illegal MP3 files                                             *

// MySQL Connection parameters for FLAM Player
# Type="MYSQL"
# HTTP="true"

// Enter here the setting for your MySQL Database connection : Hostname / Database name / Username / Password
// Entrez ici les paramètres pour la connexion à la base de données MySQL : Nom d'hôte / Nom de la base / Utilisateur / Mot de passe

$hostname_fp_mysql = "localhost";
$database_fp_mysql = "******";
$username_fp_mysql = "******";
$password_fp_mysql = "******";

// FLAM Player Admin settings
// Enter here the Username / Password / Language for the FLAM Player Administration
// Entrez ici les Nom d'utilisateur / Mot de passe / Langue pour l'administration de FLAM Player

// Enter here "yes" or "no" to enable / disable login - Entrez ici "yes" ou "no" pour activer / désactiver l'authentification
$login_enable = "yes";
// Choose user / password - Choisissez un nom d'utilisateur / mot de passe
$admin_user = "admin";
$admin_pass = "admin";
// Language can only be "fr" or "en" - La langue ne peut être que "fr" ou "en"
$admin_default_lang = "en";
// Demo mode ("yes" / "no"), enable or disable limited version - Mode démo ("yes" / "no"), active ou désactive une version bridée
$demo_mode = "no";

// FLAM Player table names
// These are the two tables that will be created in your database, you can change their names
// Ce sont les deux tables qui seront créées dans votre base de données, vous pouvez changer leurs noms

// Musics table name / Nom de la table des musiques
$fp_musics_table = "music_";
// Artists table name / Nom de la table des artistes
$fp_artists_table = "artists_";


Thank you for trying to help me , the thing i still cant understand is that it worked before on my other account ( is crashed so i asked to delete it ... )

Greets From The Crasher and i hope this is enouf info :)


  • includes.zip
    25.7 KB · Views: 43


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Just found your post and trying to solve the problem.

found the root cause but could not tell why it happens now

the code

function GetEnumValues($Table,$Column) {
       $dbSQL = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".$Table." LIKE '".$Column."'";
       $dbQuery = mysql_query($dbSQL);
       $dbRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($dbQuery);
       $EnumValues = $dbRow["Type"];
       $EnumValues = substr($EnumValues, 6, strlen($EnumValues)-8); 
       $EnumValues = str_replace("','",",",$EnumValues);
        $result = explode(",",$EnumValues);
        sort($result, SORT_STRING);
       return $result;

is called in many place, could not find why and where.

The root cause of this problem is that $Table variable is empty. that why it shows an error. $Column can be empty and it doesnot show any error but returns result.

trace where its called and the sequence in which this function is called once you login in as admin.
then only you can find at which place exactly is this function called with an empty table name.

Hope this is of some help...........

Team Dread

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the problem is that i dont know anything of php or mysql :S

i tryed to add manuel the music_ table in it but then it shows other errors , like ... the userid is invalid ( dont know how to add tables so i just putted a number in it :S )

but then it dont shows that error anymore ( its that that you posted , its that where the problem is , feel free to login as admin in the flamplayer

login pass is admin , and login username is admin to )

it shows it on every page that error , and a second error to
the table artists doesnt exist and the table music doesnt exist :S

i tryed to search the file on errors to , even downloaded it again and still not working , tryed it out on differend hosts (whit differend mysql versions )

this was the only host that it worked on ( before they started to upgrade )

now it seems that no host can run that php script

is it maybe a old php system of auto installing ?? (i mean the flamplayer :) )

if you want i can create a fresh database

if you want to have every file , then go to here (freeware)

Thank you for helping me , its a realy good music player and i cant find 1 like that that allows rem files and adds them auto to the playlist

i finded a lot other music players but they all works ( not the problem of them ) but they dont support rem files or you need to make manuel a playlist and you cant change the look of it ,

so i want to say again , Thank you :)

Greets From The Crasher


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just wait. let me install it in my pen drive and check it. after that i will post


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I have just broke my butt to register and help you :p but thats ok! :thefinger

Heres the Solution:


/settings/the xml

to 777 as permission Have phun! :p


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Did that worked.........

If not can u send me the database file that you used so that i can set up and test it in my system.