We are a group of teens who have mastered many website codes (ex. HTML, JAVA, PHP, etc.). We create websites for businesses and personal sites. Our company purchase templates and/or creates custom built templates for the customers (you have a choice) from sites such as TemplateMonster.com or 4template.com. Members of IamShipon1988 use up to date web construction programs and flash animation materials listed below. We also do create personalized website layouts/templates.
we have not yet become a professional company, but we are starting off. i have experience working with graphic design companies as i have worked with few in the past. currently we are affiliated with templatemonster.com, as you can see on our site we also have the template monster store, (we keep 20% of the prophet made on our affiliate program).
view our sample/demo site at
(we are also carry admins and cia's of x10hosting)
if you are interested, show us a sample of your work and we may consider you in joining our group.
we sell templates for cheap price. we custom make templates as well. we design webistes. we earn money from it. all money we earn is split down the middle, 50-50-50 etc.
inorder to be accepted you must show us a sample of your work and register for our forum
are you familiar with any of these following products (do u own them)
Webconstruction programs:
Front Page 2003
Personal Web Creator
Smart Web Creator
Flash Construction programs:
Flash MX
Trendy Flash Animator
3D Flash Animator
Painting/Drawing software:
Paint XP
Paint Shop Pro
PhotoShop 7 CS
FireWorks MX