I'm working on a site for a client and trying to add a FormMail perl script. It's not working...
See form here: http://www.happytailsdogparknh.org/contact.html
Help!? Why is it not working? I've used this script with other hosts with no problem. I'm sure it's something simple...
See form here: http://www.happytailsdogparknh.org/contact.html
- I have the permissions for the cgi-bin and the FormMailFeedback.pl file set to 755
- First line of script is #!/usr/bin/perl
- $mailprog = '/usr/sbin/sendmail -i -t'
- Form is set to POST to http://www.happytailsdogparknh.org/cgi-bin/FormMailFeedback.pl
Help!? Why is it not working? I've used this script with other hosts with no problem. I'm sure it's something simple...