You stated:
Dear x10Staff,
About 5 days ago, I recieved an
e-mail from IPS about my board.
At the time, I did not know that it was nulled, and it was given to me by a friend who told me he had bought it. I replied to their e-mail saying I would at once take down the illegal version and use the ipb version 2, the last legally free one. Now my site has been suspended for a nulled IPB, and I would like to ask for it to be unsuspended because I did not know that my copy of IPB was indeed not legal. And I know for a fact that the new IPB that I put up was not illegal/nulled. I am sorry for even breaking the TOS in a unknown way. I promise you it will not happen again.
So you downloaded it for free? Which is true, your lying either way