FTP Upload issue using WYSIWYG Webbuilder

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Being new here, but not new to FTP publishing, I've hit an issue I've never encountered before.

When using WYSIWYG Webbuilder 8.5 (which uses FTP) when I enter the location for my files to be published in my Webbuilder program, I'm receiving an error message.
I'll list below what I've tried beginning with what didn't work and what partially worked. Please read carefully.

Information entered:
host: ftp.mudbog.x10.mx (worked)
User name: xxxxxxxxxxxxx (worked)
Password: xxxxxxxxxxxxx (worked)
(First attempt) Remote folder: public_html (Would not work - I received an error message from my Webbuilder program which read: "Can't change directory to public_html: No such file on directory.")
(Second attempt) Remote folder: cgi-bin (this is how I know the Host, User name and password were correct.) This allowed my website files to be uploaded to the cgi-bin folder - but the photos for the website could not be seen, which was as I expected.

I know FTP files don't upload into the cgi-bin folder. (At least I've never before been directed to do so by any hosting company.) But the - positive - it did verify all of the other info. was correct and did upload the files.

I've published many, many times before using my Webbuilder program with other hosting companies with no issues. (Usually to the public_html folder.) What I need to know is: If public_html will not work as the Remote upload folder, then what do I need to use instead?
Thanks for your time.
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