Glad to be here


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Like the title says I am glad to be here, but I think that is only becuase I am happy I was allowed to complete my registration somewhere. That queue is crazy to get hosting but I hear this is one of the best free hosts, I am here to mess around with some stuff gain some knowledge, you know the usual want to be rich, like's computers, basic understanding and a lot of motivation type story.

So I am going to mess around with a few things, maybe take a look at doing a game or something and see how it goes from there....if I ever leave queue lol.

I have made a S load of templates and layouts for others, and think its time to look in to doing something more serious for myself and that this would be a good place to mess around and test some of my ideas.

Not really sure what else to say other then why I am here, unless you want to know about my personal life and stuff lol. No but seriously if you do want to know about my personal life just stick around, looks like I am never leaving this queue so i will have some extra time on my hands.
