Google Is Changing The Game


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SEO methods include posting and propagating numerous links back to one's site. Thus services provide links in a circle of members all of which have made Google realize that the sites in such circles are not being ranked out of interest by searchers but by services for SEO optimization. And so Google is no longer ranking such sites highly. For Google such services exploit and fool their system.

So the game is now one of focusing on one's keywords along with a social media presence (as in a Facebook Page) and using some sort of "share" app or script in one's pages such as "Add This" etc. Providing sharing of your site link is another way to improve your rank. Since this is a more true indication of real interest by people.

Once while looking at the suggestions of a merchant at ClickBank for their suggested key words they had about 100 keywords they suggest you use. Which was over generalizing the subject or field of the product. It is better to focus in on specific key words and keep those down to the specific content of the site on the home page and then specific words for individual page content on the other site pages.

Now one matter of getting a better ranking is one you often over look since people try to work around the system; and that is not having a Google account for publishing your web site in a Google ad which ranks you web site the highest in the system. So SEO discussions kind of make since and yet evade the real truth. If you want traffic you have to pay Google.


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Um, no -- organic links still work just fine. Google has just gotten very good lately at determining what's organic and what's not, what's original content and what's blogspam, and so forth. And (particularly in the person of Matt Cutts) they've been rather straightforward and transparent about the changes they've made. (For obvious reasons, the actual algorithms and heuristics they're using are "secret sauce" -- they want to avoid giving out "how to game the system" instructions.)

Yes, you may want to market if you want to be found. That doesn't necessarily mean AdWords placement, though, or any other paid advertisement. You can just put in a lot of hard work being visible wherever visibility would count. On the other hand, you can trade money for time if you don't want to invest the time.

What Google is trying to do is to make sure, as far as possible to do so, that the search results they present to their users are the most useful they can be for their users. They're not there to serve you or your site; it's about the people searching. Their advertising placement is worth less if the SERP sucks and people move off to Bing, Yahoo! or DDG instead. If you want to rank high, you need to make sure that people actually want you to turn up high in the search.


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And yet this still doesn't negatively effect me. Google is primarily going after blackhat marketers and preventing them from destroying the Google brand for search. The regular links still work to my understanding, however it's greater to deal with social media and social sharing anyway for direct traffic from Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and others. That's how my site and YouTube channel for Think Paradox gets so much traffic, social media. Just keep in mind that spamming social media sites will negatively impact you as well.


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Yea social media promotion seems to help allot and having a share button to help you. But back to them folk who recommend too many key words. What can happen there is Google's Search question of whether a visited site helped can get that site ranked low, if the key words cover too much of a broad spectrum related to a topical field without focusing specifically on a particular topic. And so the visitors check "no" for that site at Google in order to do a refined search.

What makes a site useful and well visited is its content in my opinion. If a site specializes in a certain topic providing information in that topic while providing affiliate ads that relate to the special interest of the site. Then I find I keep coming to a site that provides me with information and insight. As well as provides me with a look at the market related to that information. It is like these Prepper sites mentioned on Facebook where if you visit them they tell you about outdoor survival and home steading while providing ads on alternative health and medicine as well as long term storage foods. So that's just one common example of specializing in information. My flavor of a site is more towards amateur radio information and equipment. So a site that is written from the heart with conviction to target like minded people to me is what keeps people coming back creating a stream of traffic. And adding a forum or classified ad section can help also. Which Essellar's this is where your comment comes into view "If you want to rank high, you need to make sure that people actually want you to turn up high in the search."
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Regarding the issues with people doing the keyword stuffing bit, they've been doing that for ages and is still a blackhat tactic like it was back then. Just refrain from blackhat tactics. All one needs to do is choose a few specific keywords related to their content and focus more on creating high quality content for the user. The issue lies when people are building sites for search engines rather than people and spamming everywhere. If you want your site to show up in Google's search results and rank high, allow for comments, social sharing and sharing your content yourself on social media while making sure that you're creating unique content yourself that others would be interested in reading.
Seriously though, there's people who will subscribe to YouTube channels that are nothing more than an ugly fat dude talking about his day in front of a camera, nothing really interesting and end up getting 400+ subscribers and hundreds of video views on each of his videos. If someone that's not really all that interesting to begin with can get people coming in constantly just to watch his boring vlog journal/diary, then it shouldn't be that hard to create content someone else would want to read or see.
All I can say is content, content, content and social sharing. Extra points if you get an article spinner that gets your site sandboxed. I find that hilarious.


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Glenn that makes allot of sense when worded like you have it.


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Glad that wording helped you out, it's still entirely true though. It's what I've done for years for various projects and always had success. Still have success today.


Grim Squeaker
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See what happened to Rap Genius when it openly tried to game Google. Article


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See what happened to Rap Genius when it openly tried to game Google. Article
This is why you share your own content to social media while also giving others the option to do so on their own accord. Otherwise, you end up with a blackhat tactic. Hence why I cannot discourage blackhat tactics enough.


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Also do not discount a site that has been up awhile since it becomes more of the Internet landscape and appears in the search engines more with time. So it is kind of like growing fruit trees, they will bloom and fruit in time.


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Also do not discount a site that has been up awhile since it becomes more of the Internet landscape and appears in the search engines more with time. So it is kind of like growing fruit trees, they will bloom and fruit in time.
Very much so.
Older sites tend to have a lot more content and pages to view, so since there's more content, there's more to index. The more legitimate, unique content your site gets, the older it gets, the more reputation it'll receive. All it takes is time and regular work on your sites. You don't have to have social media sharing, but it does help greatly.

It's also worth while to submit a sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools and Bing Webmaster Central. It'd be your choice if you wish to also submit the sitemap to as well, I do anyway because it can't hurt. Also be sure to have your sitemap.xml URL in your robots.txt file so other search engines can automatically find it, especially if it's different. I use sitemap-index.xml.gz since I use multiple sitemaps, one for media, one for blog posts, one for pages and one for videos.

I also have my WordPress installation set with JetPack to automatically share with Google+, Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter. However I also keep track of what's going on in all my social media accounts. Don't bother sharing to social media if you're not going to check interaction.

Extra bit for those using WordPress for SEO purposes. Use a Google+ comment plugin so those that comment will likely automatically share with their friends and add additional conversation to your blog's content.