Any reason why? ... You started a debate / discussion thread. Might as well get your opinion on it.
Personally, I have always used Yahoo ... rarely use Google, unless I need to check to see if google finds something that Yahoo didn't pick up.
I prefer google than yahoo. Google offers more searches and it uses a patented technology known as PageRank founded by one of its members which makes it a cut above the rest. And as Slothie pointed out it has a simple interface. It seems that the google searchpage is the hottest piece of real estate on the web. And one more thing, yahoo gives preferences that to sites that pay them making them partial whereas Google is said to be impartial. This makes Google the best and Microsoft and Yahoo are playing catchup.....
Just another thought: google is bias as well. Their sponsored results at the top and left - they're basically advertisements based on their keyword technology.
Many of you are describing google as the best search engine because of its simplicity. In fact, google may look simple, but it uses one of the most complex search algorithms on the web. That's why my vote goes to google.
the yahoo interface of all the ads, images, etc. just puts me off. lol
what i need is just a search engine and not something that comes with everything, from the weather to stock prices.
Google all the way. Yahoo has to many "nifty" features that just slow it down in the end. Google is a clean, clutter free User-Interface and it searches are more to the point.
I love google! Its the most popular search engine, ive used it all my life and even if Yahoo is better, i would continue on with google. I have used all my life and it has never failed.
I like to use Google. As many people said that it has clean interface I agree with it. I don't like Yahoo they show a lot of things which I don't like. With Google I have found what I wanted (x10hosting and other programming websites).
Its popular search engine, looks nicer, simple and clean what else do I want then ???
Depends on what you're looking for. If you want information that's most popular, use Google. If you want information that is most relavant to your subject (like records on someone perhaps) yahoo is best.